Original Character Role Playing - September 1st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Original Character Role Playing

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September 1st, 2009

[Sep. 1st, 2009|01:50 am]


Are you tired of the same old supernatural games? Does the premise always have to include vampires "coming out of the coffin" or supernatural creatures being a shock to the world? If you think you could use a change, why not try Deceptive Perception?

Deceptive Perception is not just a gameā€”it's an experience. Supernatural creatures can live out their lives and explore their desires in a world that knows they live and doesn't have to have all the conflict arranged around their very existence. These men and women are fighting to keep together a world that seems to be falling apart around them. Wouldn't you like to help?
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[Sep. 1st, 2009|11:44 am]

There's a reason they call it "The Hub of the Universe."

For all its history, culture, and highlights, Boston is a bit of a dud. Though it's a major metropolitan area it almost seems a little too Old World, a little too traditional. It's boring, and that's the way they like it. It's called sleight of hand, distracting you with the right hand so you'll never know what the left is doing. Since their arrival in 1775, the supernatural beings that call Boston home have been carefully diverting attention away from themselves, but not everyone appreciates peace. A new school year is starting at the prestigious Boston Conservatory for Supernatural Inquiry, and the Church of Clear Sight is gearing up for the Hunt that coincides yearly with the influx of supernatural beings into the city.

When the creatures of dreams are reality, what do you believe in?

Game opens September 4!
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