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Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

    Time Event

    Welcome to Las Vegas, the City of Lights, the Entertainment Capital of the World, and the most bustling supernatural hub in America. Here, monsters mingle among humanity with impunity, living their lives in the most boring ways possible: they get up, they go to work, they go home, they go to bed.

    But you want something more. Perhaps if you could share your life with That Special Someone, the world would be a brighter place. And so you have signed up for MonsterMatch.com, the premier monster-human and monster-monster dating site that helps you find and embrace your monster. Literally.

    Monster Match is an 18+ smut and kink friendly game with an emphasis on shipping, comedy, and ridiculousness. Think of it as something light for all that goes bump in the night.

    [info]modsters | [info]monstermatch | [info]monstermismatch | [info]monsterconnects

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