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Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

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    Reality Dome: A Darker Reality Show Game

    Reality Dome


    a new twist on reality

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    The hottest show of the 22nd century, Reality Dome, has hit its third season and the producers have decided it’s time for a twist. While prior shows have focused on interpersonal drama and people adapting to occasionally unusual terrain within the dome that houses the show, the producers have taken it a step darker this season. The Is were dotted, the Ts were crossed, and deals were struck to allow criminals of varying degrees onto the show. Unbeknownst to one half of the cast, the other half of the cast is coming from some very questionable or outright criminal circumstances.

    But there's something else that none of them are aware of ...

    The contract they had to sign was pretty impressive, and the odds were good they missed the clause mixed in that covered the asses of the scientists who had prepared the real twist -- a mutagen injection to be introduced at the start of the year-long season that would have a variety of effects on the participants.

    Reality Dome takes place in a completely contained environment controlled entirely by the producers and other show staff. Accidents have happened in the past, and all the participants are aware they might have signed their life away … but the grand prize for sticking it out the full year (a million dollars a year for the next ten years and expunging of criminal records or undesirable circumstances for those who need it) makes it all worth it.

    … doesn’t it?


    Reality Dome is an original character game set in the year 2150. Characters are capped at 24 total characters with gender caps at 12 each and citizens with circumstances/free citizens capped at 12 each. Caps are not capped within caps (i.e., there can be 8 female citizens and 4 female circumstance characters; it doesn’t have to be 6 of each).

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