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Monday, July 15th, 2013

    Time Event
    Savage Garden: Into the Abyss

    Unwanted, unloved -- these are apt descriptors for the boys and girls who come to live in Pan's Treehouse. Promised a better life and a family of sorts, their unknown role is as pawns in a centuries-long war between a band of unruly youths and a legion of undead pirates. Peter Pan is their prince in this war, and his Lost boys play the role of his generals, sworn to protect the imaginaries in their charge. In exchange for this protection - as well as everlasting life and the love they were once denied - they are expected to fulfill the terms of the blood oath: whenever a Lost needs or desires, an imaginary must allow him to feed. A small price to pay when darkness looms ahead. All must prepare for a war unlike any Neverland has seen, for the newly arisen captain of the pirate ship The Devil's Whore awaits... and he has a blood contract of his own to fulfill.


    Wished Away RPG

    FAQ | Rules | Cast | Holds | Apply | MORE...

    There are a multitude of wishes in countless worlds, all of them shooting stars of soul desires. Magic is most powerful when it has passion behind it. Whether voiced aloud or echoing silently within, some wishes are found by the magic like a siren call of infinity between the stars.

    I wish I was elsewhither this power hears without ears, understands without a heart and it grants the desire, the moment of weakness or introspection or distraction. It chants the magic unheard which takes you from your world:
    I wish you elsewhither, I wish you here,
    called forth by that which you desire
    in this our shared yearning hour.
    This land called Enchantia would be fantasy elsewhither but here be scrolls of magic, trolls on bridges, and enchantments like stitches on the tapestry of your quest.

    Which will prove stronger, the magic that has gripped the humans of Enchantia in stoney sleep or the magic that seeks to release Enchantians and wishers alike?

    Panfandom rp, original characters welcome. Fandoms are not limited but we have special requests for:
    • Legend of the Seeker/Sword of Truth (Novels): Richard Cypher, Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander, Cara Mason are wanted by Kahlan Amnell
    • Harry Potter: Colin Creevey is requested by his best friend Chris Stebbins
    • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Jason Scott sought by Kimberly Ann Hart
    • Game of Thrones: anyone except Tyrion and Jaime Lannister, Arya Stark and Jon Snow.
    The Second Wizarding War hit England hard. Tensions between wizards had never been higher. But the Dark Lord had been defeated, his Death Eaters scattered, killed, or arrested. The war was over but the worst was coming.

    A curse nearly destabilized that peace. An entire generation threatened. The Ministry then took drastic measures to protect their future. Pairing wizards and witches regardless of blood status and according to reproductive potential. Their children were now the future. But disappearances, strange bodies turning up, and wild magic are again on the horizon.

    This is a non-epilogue compliant Harry Potter game. The Trio Era kids are all grown up with their own adult children. Both generations are open for application. This is an evolving game concentrating on both storyline plot and every day social interactions.

    ACTIVELY SEEKING: Harry Potter, Pansy Parkinson (Potter), Neville Longbottom, Louis Weasley, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, multiple Next Gen requested by parents who are currently in play as well.

    Supernatural Panfandom


    "Looks like the Hellmouth is officially closed for business."

    Drop Box
    If there's anything that dealing with the supernatural tells you, there's no such thing as permanent. A balance is important and so to correct it, all that power goes somewhere. All that evil, manifests somewhere, and old habits are hard to break. All that power raised from countless acts, breaking the curse on a hybrid, rescuing a man from hell, destroying an inner circle of evil, well it had to go somewhere and it went to Sunnydale.

    We are a supernatural based game that is multi fandom. Bringing in supernatural fandoms of all types, characters can come from any point in their history to find themselves in a resurrected Sunnydale. We accept canon and original characters, dead or alive, to come and deal with all the little tricks and enemies that the Hellmouth can spit out!

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