Original Character Friendly RPG ads' Journal
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Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

    Time Event
    Destruction Island
    The RPG



    Character Directory

    Most Needed Characters

    Island Residents
    Military Members
    Government Agents
    Faction Members
    There is still a world full of normal, regular people out there - but it's not here. The residents of Destruction Island are the mutant population, and the small suburban town they reside in is not as perfect as the rest of the world might think. While the Facility is intact and doing the job it was intended - the medical treatment and education of the newest special section of people - the island is guarded by military patrols whose favorite pastime is making the residents' lives miserable. But not everyone is just taking the abuse, and the Faction, the mutant uprising group, is fighting for the rights of all the residents, and things are about to get very interesting under its new leadership. Of course, neither group is aware of the government agents who are living undercover on Destruction, keeping a very close eye on all sections of the island's inhabitants.

    Set five years after the meltdown of a nuclear power plant and the subsequent power mutations caused by the radiation, Destruction Island is an original character rpg looking for individuals from all walks of life. Residents, Facility workers, educators and students, military patrol members, Faction members and undercover agents are all greatly desired, both those with powers and those without.

    Game is OPEN. Newly modified rules; adds occur as applications are received. Join us!!

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