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Monday, June 10th, 2013

    Time Event

          neomedieval at Dreamwidth // Game Website

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    The year is 2013. The populace of Kavudd is a humanoid race. The Piersiens reigned through democratic rule and amassed great amounts of knowledge and art until they were driven tothe four winds by the Gwiathans who changed the names of the gods and ruled through Emperors and might. Eventually, they were their own downfall and it seemed the downfall of civilization. The whole of Kavudd fell into a dark period where knowledge was lost. Ways of communication, literacy, civilization...these things disappeared for generations as war lords and feudal tyrants fought over the land and the people on it. Then came one unlike the others. A leader interested in conquest, but also knowledge and a care for the people carved a new kingom out of the chaos: Mercia. Mercia led to change; the birth of a renaissance and the creation of other kingdoms. Order of a sort fell upon the planet.

    With order came a price. Not all kingdoms were created equally and knowledge is something precious, given to a rare few. Much of the old knowledge is thought to be lost, but the truth is that a secretive order holds it tight They eschew the old gods for a new Trinity, and much of the old knowledge is seen as heresy and unfit...unless they deem it otherwise or unless you have enough power and money to demand it of them. Most are happy. Be they Prince or peasant, they know their place.

    Come... find yours.

  • Members of the Privy Council
  • The Duchess of Fauconberg
  • Lady Guleph, Queen Prysilla's sister
  • Ladies-in-waiting to Queen Prysilla, Princess Zilind, Princess K'thrynne, Princess Isabel and Abenya Mazi
  • Gentlemen Companions for The King, Crown Prince Jonathon and Princes Nathaniel and Kade
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