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Saturday, June 16th, 2012

    Time Event
    The Orient Express - A Multifandom Experience



    A runaway train on a broken track ...

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    For just over six and a half months, the Orient Express has been designated a run-away. While the staff and designers are working diligently to retrieve their rogue express, the train itself is thwarting their plans. How, after all, do you track down a single train that can be anywhere, anywhen, in any number of realities across all the known verses? It’s a great big space out there, and they can’t search it all.

    Meanwhile, the train is certainly giving the passengers a ride. From hallucinogenic gases to a murderer on board, to realities where there’s no breathable air to worlds that contain things of legend and mythos, the passengers are helpless to direct the run away train and must simply hang on and adapt as well as they can.

    Between cabin fever, clashing personalities, and on-board shenanigans that don’t exactly bring a grin to everyone’s face, the passengers are forced to contend with situations outside of their daily norm. Future meets past, magic clashes with technology, and everyone is tangled up in the ever-changing environment of the train. Are you brave enough to come along for the ride?


    Orient Express is a relatively quickly paced panfandom game set aboard a time-traveling, reality-hopping luxury train. The game’s been running strong since its opening in November of 2011.

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