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Saturday, July 2nd, 2011

    Time Event

    April 2011-

    From dusk till dawn the Island is an adult pleasure complex, a playground that caters to all walks of life, both mortal and immortal. Located off the coast of Southern Florida and offering five dazzling glass stories of theaters, restaurants, shops and casinos, the Island of Angels has become a mecca for tourism and millionaire playboys. Music plays eternally in the halls and on the dance floors and famous musicians are enticed from all over the world to perform in the bars, club and theaters. All of this surrounds what appears be the focal point, a large jungle that hosts to all manner of exotic birds and plant life.

    On the Island you can buy anything from leather to lace, rare diamonds and records, food from every country and a plethora of anything from chintz to chotskies. A mixture of old and new combined with luxuriant scents and extravagant dining.

    The residents of the Island consist of recluse and private Millionaires to the average income workers and owners of the shops. All of which find pleasing accommodations in The Island of Angel’s Palazzo. Peace and tranquility can be found in your own private suite or apartment, located adjacent to the bustling night life of the miniature city but beware what lurks in the shadows at night…

    For more information on our Island amenities click here. or visit the Island Guide

    Vampires, Humans, Angels

    [You do not need knowledge of the Anne Rice vampire chronicles to play an OC in this game.]

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    Island Guide



    established: 2010

    The NHL's expansion in 2010 brought two new teams to a league that many already thought was overloaded; the Halifax Scorpions and the Las Vegas Chill. Of the two, the league was most surprised by the Chill, but the city of Las Vegas was ecstatic. They were one of the only major US cities without a pro sports team, and now they had one. Most citizens don't particularly understand the game, but they're just thrilled to have a professional sports team in their city, and as such, Chill tickets sold out almost every night for their first season, even though they failed to make the playoffs. Can hockey thrive in the desert, or will this just be another failed experiment conducted by NHL executives?

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