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Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

    Time Event
    Watchers, Please
    In the beginning, there was only the Creator. And She created the world; its lands and seas, peoples and beasts. She created the Keeper, to rule over the dead. She gave the world to her people, whom She loved dearly, to do with what they would. The people multiplied, forming their cultures and societies, and were faithful to the Creator. And when there were many, the Creator made the Watchers: lesser deities to watch her people and report. You see, there are simply too many people for the Creator to keep track of, too many prayers to answer. The Watchers watch, and tell Her what her creations need.

    But they speak in His ear, too.

    She gave the Watchers free will, and perhaps that was Her greatest mistake. Not every Watcher is good. Not every prayer is answered by the Creator. The Keeper speaks to the Watchers, too, and He does not want for good in the realm of the living. He wants only to rule all, with the death of all things.

    You, the player, are a Watcher, and the choice is up to you. Will you do good or evil? Which prayers will you answer? Which side are you on?

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