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Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

    Time Event
    Avalon City Map
    Avalon City Jobs
    LXH (League of Extraordinary Heroes) is a pulp-based, multi-genre RPG. Set in modern times, in fictional Avalon City, it features good, bad, and that hazy grey area in dealing with superheroes, supervillains, mystics, demons, enhanced humans, vampires, assassins, werewolves, mutants, and everything in between. If you can think it up, it probably lives here in Avalon. We're looking for recruits with an eye for the unusual, and a rich style of character creation. Turmoil will constantly be on the horizon, as the mods aim to throw a wrench into the works every now again, for good guys and bad guys alike. Evil NPC elements will pop up from time to time, as well as squeaky clean heroes. Keep an eye out for advertisements in the Avalon Herald for wanted "guns for hire", or seek out the leaders of various factions within the city yourself. Feel free to start a personality from scratch, or take an existing character from your favourite canon and re-work them into an original character. In this game, as with Avalon City itself, anything goes...



    MISSING: 10,000 gold galleons

    When most of the cash on hand and half the operating budget disappears after a highly contested election, the inhabitants of the Island of Apples know who to blame...or do they?

    Who stole the money? Where is it now? Can it be recovered? What will happen if it's not?

    It's a Mystery!

    Prologue starts February 1. The Mystery begins on March 3! Now is the perfect time to get in on the fun!

    Only at...
    In the Silver Sea is a canon-compliant Harry Potter RPG set in the year 2035 (next-gen grown up). We welcome characters of all ages, nationalities, and magical statuses.

    Game Premise | World | Rules
    Characters | Application (newly revised!)

    WANTED: Muggles! Americans! Squibs!, Quodpot players, Jesse Campbell, Geoffrey Kwon, and Lysander Scamander.

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