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Saturday, July 24th, 2010

    Time Event

    Destiny Falls


    Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...

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    And he will. There are so many ways to fall from grace, so many sins to be committed here in Destiny falls that Father Sypher's church is always open and always full. But don't worry,there's room for you too. All sinners can find a home and a new path in Destiny Falls, and you can count on Father Sypher to guide you down just the right one. Just don't go looking for salvation...
    We only deal in damnation here.

    Destiny Falls is a brand new, original character RPG set in the fictional island of Destiny Falls off of the East coast of the United States. We are looking for any and all original characters you might be able to dream up! If you have any questions, please email the mods at destinyfallsmods@yahoo.com.

    *Because of the adult content that will play a major part in this game, the game is rated NC-17 with NO exceptions.

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