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Friday, June 4th, 2010

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    Welcome to Earth's countdown! Please enjoy your stay and try not to die.

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    Greetings, future player; how are you doing today? I bet you're confused, and wondering why I've contacted you. You (yes you) have been chosen to represent Heaven/Hell in the game to end all games. Before you start asking questions, please, allow me to explain. God and Satan have been at each other's throats for aeons. Finally, they decided to create one more world, and send their representatives to recruit players for the game. Some people will be chosen to fight for Heaven, while others will be chosen to fight for Hell. Now don't you worry about having a place to stay, food to eat, or things to do. You will have all of these things, and maybe more.

    And what's at stake here? If Heaven wins, you get to go back home (or maybe somewhere else); all the worlds will remain in tact. If Hell wins, then everything will be wiped out. But, maybe you actually want that.

    The fate of the worlds rest on your shoulders; will you join the cause? Will you join Heaven? Or will you join Hell?

    Chaos Unraveled is a multi-fandom, OC friendly game that's been opened since May of 2008.

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