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Tuesday, October 20th, 2009

    Time Event


    A seriously cracked out game.

    Canon Future Gen goes back in time to 1996 to find that the stories they grew up hearing from their parents have all been changed. The Blacks run the Ministry of Magic and Voldemort disappeared in 1980. Nothing is the way it's supposed to be.

    ApplicationHogwarts InformationDrop Box

    Most Wanted Characters Include:
    Orion and Alphard Black, Fleur Delacour, Ron, Arthur, Molly, Charlie, Fred and George, the Prewetts, Rolf Scamander, Michael Corner, Edward Selwynn, Emmeline Vance, Susan Bones, Millicent Bagnold, Augustus Rookwood, Stubby Boardman, Heathcote Barbary, Priam Travers, plus Future Gen and Original Characters!
    The year is 1978. The war against the Death Eaters has been boiling under the surface for almost a decade now. It was little things at first, easy to ignore, escalating to bigger attacks, bigger crimes, and of course, retaliation. Now the country is about ready to tear itself apart as the Ministry steps up their attempts to defeat Voldemort and no one is really sure who they should trust, if they should trust anyone at all. Who can you turn to when your own government is as likely to kill you as the masked criminals roaming the streets?

    Even the muggles are starting to notice. Attacks in muggle places are becoming more frequent, the Death Eaters getting more bold. And everyone is asking the same question.

    How long before it's open war?

    The First War is a Post-Warts, MWPP era RPG. We are canon through November 1st, 1978 and then we diverge, allowing the characters to tell their own stories.

    Currently we are most interested in: Order Members, Death Eaters, and MLE Employees
    Death Eaters
    [info]_thefirstwar_ [info]_firstwar_ooc [info]_firstwar_media [info]_firstwar_hist

    Applications now Open. Gamplay beings November 1st.

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