Obscuro OOC - A Future-Gen RPG [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Obscuro OOC - A Future-Gen RPG

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[Feb. 6th, 2008|02:19 pm]
Hello everyone! I am Ashley, bringing you Liam Wagtail, Hufflepuff 7th.

I am a recent college dropout from the lovely city of Madison, WI, currenly enjoying all the things life without school has to offer. This mostly means work and extended internets time, so I'm online a sickening amount. AIM's tetaelzbieta and I am always up for plotting or just chatting.

Now Liam. He's the son of Myron Wagtail, former lead singer of the Weird Sisters. To people who don't know him he comes off as a typical "rebel"- loud, vulgar, always skipping class and usually in an altered state of consciousness. But he's actually the sweetest guy you could hope to meet. Like his dad, music is a huge passion of his, though he's not very musical himself. Bowie and Iggy Pop are his gods. He had a rather shit childhood but doesn't believe this gives him license to be angst-ridden all the time, so whenever you see him he's likely to have a smile on his face. He's just a lot to handle. Also his PB is Joe Dempsie, mostly because he's adorable and I have an intense addiction to Skins.

So! I'm up for any sort of plot or relationships, so let me know!
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[Jan. 20th, 2008|09:57 pm]
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