Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Engineering Fail

Who: Maddie and Chelsea
When: Mid morningish
Where: Trying to get into Engineering

Maddie didn't know why it was so important to her to get into engineering. Okay, she'd always wanted to see it. The engines for this boat must enormous, which was more than kinda sexy and cool. And she was an engine junkie as it was. But more, she wanted to know that they were working and maybe try to stop them. Not that she had a feeling killing the engines would stop this ship of doom.

Which was disturbing. But then, weren't nothing that had happened so far that weren't disturbing. Well, some of it wasn't, but most of what had happened with the ship? Creepy as hell.

She knocked loudly on Chelsea's door. "Hey girl, you ready?" she called out. She really didn't feel the need to announce who she was. Chelsea was expecting her.
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