Wednesday, July 29th, 2009

Hello Nurse!

Who: Maddie and Leto
Where: Infirmary
When: Just after the security meeting


Maddie came to with only one thought in her mind. Ouch. Everything hurt, if a bit numbly. She felt woozy and trying to sit up turned out to be a very bad idea. She hissed out in pain and even that fucking hurt.

Worst of all, she was pretty damned certain that crazy bitch Denise had gotten away. That hurt more than getting her ass kicked by a girl. Maddie was no slouch when it came to bar brawling, although most of her tactics involved outbrawning the other person. But this little gal had been like fighting a crazed fucking animal.

"Fuck," she cursed under her breath and flopped her head back in frustration. Which was also a bad idea, as the whole room spun on its axis when she did that.

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Tuesday, June 30th, 2009


Who: Maddie and Billie
Where: Holding Room
When: Late night
Moar: Language, Violence, very likely blood

Okay, and she thought walking around this ship of doom for hours was boring. At least she could flirt with Matt on patrol. The gal who'd attacked some girl in the diner yesterday was about as good for conversation as a wall. A wall that glared at a body like a cat who's tail had been trod on. Really, if looks could kill, some of the ones Maddie had gotten from her would have her dead, buried and the daisies already growing on her grave.

Boring and hostile at the same time. Only on this fucking doomship, she swore.

Still, the gal was a person and she didn't have much to do but glare at her jailers. Captain Lucky Charms had said she weren't talking, and she sure as hell wasn't talking to Maddie at all. And she'd been there a few hours.

"You want some water or somethin' to eat?" she asked. Really, it weren't like she was being starved for information. They hadn't resorted to anything that drastic.
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Black as Night, Sweet as Sin

Who: Maddie and Eve
Where: Cymaeties
When: Late afternoon

Maddie needed to sober up before her patrol shift that evening. Especially since everybody was still scattered all over the boat, which meant she had to have all of her wits in order. Not that she'd gotten even remotely drunk. A bottle of Jack over the entire day had barely given her a buzz. But even her alcoholic daddy had never hunted and drank. He'd taught her that nobody who was drinking should handle guns.

Which somebody ought to tell their self-appointed fearless leader. His coffee had smelled like it was mostly whiskey instead of coffee, even from halfway across the room. Of course, he was so fucking Irish she expected shamrocks to explode from his ass. So go figure.

Taking a long drink from the extra large cup of strong black coffee she'd gotten. Maddie didn't do that expresso shit. Give her strong black coffee with enough sugar in it the spoon stood up in the cup and she was a happy woman.

Or reasonably happy. She'd be a whole lot happier if they could get into engineering, this cruise to ended or something fucking happened. Anything, at this point.
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Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Thankless Job

Who: Cath, Mae, Ronnie, Emily, Noah, Maddie, Matt, Kevin, Seth (and some token redshirts)
Where: Security Office
Where: Noonish

It'd taken two trips to get all the plans, notes, and whatnot up to the security office. From now on, they were doing this in the library. There was more room there and reference materials readily at hand. Except the B encyclopedia, which he'd still not located. It would have been useful as well, but they'd make due.

Cathair sipped his whiskey laced coffee, looking over his notes and the plans. Riffraff had been incredibly helpful and useful and he was right glad she was on top of the security bit. They needed to move everyone willing to A and B decks as soon as possible. But that was Sean's job. For now, they were organizing, setting up patrols and getting everyone on the same page.

He could feel that familiar tightening in his shoulders and back. That tension from being wound up before a battle. Problem being, this wasn't the same thing and there was no real battle. Just waiting. It was going to be horrible.

Now he just had to wait for everyone to arrive.
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Sunday, May 31st, 2009

Engineering Fail

Who: Maddie and Chelsea
When: Mid morningish
Where: Trying to get into Engineering

Maddie didn't know why it was so important to her to get into engineering. Okay, she'd always wanted to see it. The engines for this boat must enormous, which was more than kinda sexy and cool. And she was an engine junkie as it was. But more, she wanted to know that they were working and maybe try to stop them. Not that she had a feeling killing the engines would stop this ship of doom.

Which was disturbing. But then, weren't nothing that had happened so far that weren't disturbing. Well, some of it wasn't, but most of what had happened with the ship? Creepy as hell.

She knocked loudly on Chelsea's door. "Hey girl, you ready?" she called out. She really didn't feel the need to announce who she was. Chelsea was expecting her.
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Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

safety zone

Who: Erik, Maddie, Mary, Slav
Where: Sing the Rage
When: After the ship-wide meeting

After the meeting, Erik went by his room and grabbed his down comforter of his bed along with several pillows. He made his way to the Rage and put the bedding stuff on an empty table. He went behind the bar and fixed himself a drink, slamming it back. He was trying to not think about the meeting and the fact that he may never make it home to his little girl. He swallowed hard against the knot in his throat, wishing that everyone would hurry up and take his mind off of what was going on.
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Friday, May 15th, 2009

Here We Go Again

Who: Maddie and Jamie
Where: Spa Deck
When: Early afternoon

Maddie leaned over the railing, staring out into the sea. She was up on the spa deck, mainly because it had a pretty damned good view as far as she could see. And of course, there was nothing. No other ships, no islands, hell, she hadn't even seen a whale or dolphin and they'd been out to sea almost two weeks straight.

She knocked back some Jack, contemplating having another go at screaming at the fuckers who were doing this. Something, somewhere was doing it. Maybe Jamie and his boy were right. Government aliens. At this point, weren't nothing would surprise her.

A clanking sound caught her attention. Sounded like a wrench being turned on a bolt. Real steady and even, as if the hand doing the turning knew what they were doing. She looked around for maintenance and saw...nobody.

Okay, she was either drunk already, which couldn't be because this was only the second swallow she'd had all day; or something new and awful weird was going on here. Absently, she reached up with her free hand and rubbed her tattoo. Something about the sound made her think of her daddy.

Maddie shook her head and took another slug on the bottle. Great, now the place was driving her crazy. Oh well, weren't that long of a trip, really.
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Thursday, April 23rd, 2009


Who: Maddie, Kaz
Where: Main deck
When: Early Afternoonish
Content: Here be much cursing and possibly some obscene gestures.

Maddie had waited until Slav left her alone. Finally. He was a real sweet boy and he was probably rightfully concerned that she shouldn't leave her room as drunk as she was. So she let him think she was ready to sleep it off.

Confronting her demons )
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Monday, April 20th, 2009

Happy hour!

Who: Mary and open to singles or groups
When: 9pm
What: Mary's doing her job, providing liquid joy to everybody.

(It's not absolutely pressing, but please indicate the time your character/group is coming, because Mary can't serve them all exactly at the same time - though she can overlap some, she's an extremely skilled bartender. Fast ,too.) :)

Happy hour, you morose f*cks! )
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Saturday, April 18th, 2009

Nothin' on my Mind

Who: Maddie, Open
Where: Cyamites
When: Noonish

Maddie was just kicking back, sipping some coffee (black with an obscene amount of sugar in it) and having a cigarette. She was glad to be feeling well enough to be out of her room. And hell, she felt pretty damned good after last night anyway.

Grinning to herself as remembered the night before, she took a long drag on her cigarette. This vacation wasn't turning out to be all bad. Now, she was just gonna relax. Later, she'd prowl around the boat for awhile. Maybe see what was happening at the clubs.

Tapping off the ash into the ashtray on her right, she sipped her coffee and just sort of looked around without even really seeing any of it. Just relaxing, her feet propped up on another chair at her table, letting the world go by.
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Tuesday, April 14th, 2009

What do gearheads talk about after sex...?

Who: Maddie, Slav
Where: Hephaestus' Forge
When: Jan. 2, 7pm-ish
Rating: NSFW

Not really safe for work. )
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Monday, April 13th, 2009

in search of answers

Who: The captain, and open to all!
When: 2:30
Where: Circean Delight

Captain Hill wore the expression of a heavily burdened man as he took the stage in Circean Delight, and waited for the crowds to settle. "Good afternoon," he started, speaking in a loud, clear voice. "As you may have noticed... we have altered course and switched directions. Our situation has not improved, and we have been forced to make the decision to turn back west, rather than continue on blindly. We believe this to be the best course of action, and we will undoubtably sail into familiar waters in a matter of days."

He paused, a flicker of something in his eyes, before pressing on. "At this point... I can take a few questions. I'm sure there are plenty."
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