Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

We're Going to Have a Wedding!

Who: Az, Jean, Peter, Brodie and Jamie
Where: Chapel
When: Just after sunset

Jean had no idea why he was so nervous. Well, beyond the fact he was marrying the woman he loved and he didn't want to do anything to bodge this. He was rather glad he hadn't eaten much that day, as he wasn't certain it would have stayed down, what with how the butterflies were rampaging around in his stomach. It wasn't that he wasn't happy. He'd never been happier in his life.

He was just terribly, terribly nervous.

And rather glad Az had convinced him to bring a proper suit. Not that it'd come out of it's bag until just before the wedding. He'd not worn it since the occasion it'd been purchased for, which was fancy do she'd taken him to awhile back. It was very fashionable and with his hair slicked back as best he could to get it under control, he likely looked at least presentable.

Now if he could just get through this without making an utter fool of himself, he'd be all right. Hopefully.
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Who: Az, Brodie and Jamie
Where: The Cyamites
When: Late afternoon

To say Brodie wasn't curious about what Az had to talk to him and Jamie about, would be a lie. He really was. And glad she had said it was amazingly good, too. Nobody needed any more bad news. As soon as he could he had made his way to the Coffee place with Jamie, and now all they had to do was wait for Az to arrive. Well, that and perhaps have some coffee; or at least a cappuccino. Which was what Brodie had stood up to go fetch, taking only a few minutes before coming back and sitting back down. Then, he waited for Az.
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Sunday, June 14th, 2009

Not Again...

Who: Jamie and Miguel
When: Late afternoon
Where: Muse's suite

Jamie had woken up shortly after Brodie had left - mostly because he was in fact gone and the body that he was growing used to having near him had disappeared. But by the time he really woke up, Brodie was long gone. That worried Jamie so he kind of scoured the suite first and found the note. It made him smile. He tore it from the notepad and put it away in his nightstand, trusting Brodie's judgment on going for a walk.

So he gathered up some clothes and went for a shower. He took his time to really enjoy it but not so long as to tie up the bathroom indefinitely. Still, he was definitely taking his sweet damned time. No one was about so no one was going to bother him, right? Wrong. So wrong.

Little did he know as he dressed (with the amusing shirt of the day) someone else was there...
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Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

The Strangest Sleep-Over Ever

Who: Jamie, Brodie & Muse
What: Settling in to Muse's suite.
Where: ... Muse's Suite.
When: Evening-ish
Warnings: NSFW. Delicious boys.

Maddie had been very helpful at getting all the bags upstairs but then he had gotten them into the suite all on his own. A short time ago, there'd been that meeting about what the Hell they were going to do about security and and the whole murder thing. It was starting to seem like it was very important to be at every single meeting now even if you didn't have an opinion on what to do.

So now it was back to Muse's suite. He was settled on a couch with a tiny bottle of whiskey (stupid mini-bar) and kind of staring at the remains of the bottled Vicodin he was holding. But he shook his head and stuck it in his pocket. None of that now. Maybe he should have tossed it overboard but just in case. For his knee. Right.

He shifted around, looking over the back of the couch, resting his arms and head on top, "Brodiiie. Muuuse. What're you doing?"
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Friday, May 15th, 2009

Here We Go Again

Who: Maddie and Jamie
Where: Spa Deck
When: Early afternoon

Maddie leaned over the railing, staring out into the sea. She was up on the spa deck, mainly because it had a pretty damned good view as far as she could see. And of course, there was nothing. No other ships, no islands, hell, she hadn't even seen a whale or dolphin and they'd been out to sea almost two weeks straight.

She knocked back some Jack, contemplating having another go at screaming at the fuckers who were doing this. Something, somewhere was doing it. Maybe Jamie and his boy were right. Government aliens. At this point, weren't nothing would surprise her.

A clanking sound caught her attention. Sounded like a wrench being turned on a bolt. Real steady and even, as if the hand doing the turning knew what they were doing. She looked around for maintenance and saw...nobody.

Okay, she was either drunk already, which couldn't be because this was only the second swallow she'd had all day; or something new and awful weird was going on here. Absently, she reached up with her free hand and rubbed her tattoo. Something about the sound made her think of her daddy.

Maddie shook her head and took another slug on the bottle. Great, now the place was driving her crazy. Oh well, weren't that long of a trip, really.
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Saturday, April 25th, 2009

Staring at the Sun

Who: Jamie, OPEN
Where: Out on deck
When: Late morning

Jamie was doing precisely what he had said he was going to do. He was up on deck, watching the sun. Well, trying to watch the sun. It wasn't like he could stare directly at it so he had a book (What? A jock with a book?) and was in swim trunks, working on his tan... While at the same time occasionally glancing up to check on the direction of the sun. Honestly, it looked like he was completely disregarding the general panic of the ship but internally, he was freaking out. A moment of rightness in his world and then something turns to shit. How did that keep happening? Wasn't being nice supposed to get him some kind of good karma?

Setting the book to one side, he stretched his arms over his head with a heavy sigh. He would not admit to being completely stressed out. He wasn't going to admit to being scared. He was going to act like this was every day and just hope for the best. That was all anyone could do. Panicking would just cause problems. Maybe he should have been checking on people... Maybe he shouldn't have been tanning due to all the pain medication he'd had in the past few days.

Oh well. Too late now.
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Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

To Fetch A Pail Of... Candy?

Who: Jamie and Brodie (Gently NPC'd Muse)
Where: Brodie's room
When: Shortly after 4 PM
EXTRA: Nsfw!!!!

Jamie had run like a bullet down the hallways to find Muse's room and get the Jelly Babies. He'd been totally impatient when she'd gone to get them and barely registered the pat on his back that delivered the hand written sign that read "Bang Me" to the back of his interactive drumset shirt which he had changed into after the sauna thing.

Then back like a shot to the lower deck. He took a moment to pause outside of Brodie's door and catch his breath (and pretend like his knee was not kicking his ass from running up stairs instead of taking the elevator). Once he'd caught his breath, he found the battery pack in the hemline of the shirt, turned it on and held the baggy of Jelly Babies in front of the plastic drumset so it wouldn't be visible right away.

He knocked on the door in a 'Shave and a Haircut' rhythm then (im)patiently waited.
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Sunday, April 12th, 2009

Turtle Like

Who: Jamie, Open
When: 11 AMish
Where: Spa Deck

Still to your accents I listen with pride. )
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Sunday, April 5th, 2009

I Wish You Were Here

Who: Jamie - Open
Where: Circean Delight
When: After the 4 PM announcement

The place was mostly cleaned up and perfect again but still, he looked. )
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Thursday, March 26th, 2009

What Happens After

Who: The mildly injured.
When: Around 1 AM
Where: Apollon's Grace
Rating: TBA
Status: In progress
Unpleasant and not in the best of health )
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Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

ballroom blitz

Who: Anyone and everyone in Circean Delight!
When: Starting at the stroke of midnight
Where: Circean Delight

The show had gone very well, and Muse was infinitely pleased. The crowd had been great, and very receptive, and there had even been people standing and dancing. (Muse hated when people sat through concerts. If she wasn't pulling people out of their seats, she didn't feel like she was doing her job properly.) She was happy, and comfortable, and felt like she had done a good job - and looked good doing it. She wore a long, flowing fuchsia dress, decorated with outlines of black flowers, and of course, Muse always performed in bare feet. Perhaps she'd rethink that policy by the end of the night.

"5... 4... 3... 2... 1... Happy New Year!" she lead the countdown, beaming happily as confetti fell from the ceiling and people kissed. She'd been scanning the audience looking for a suitable guy to get a kiss in herself, when there was a horrible rumble, and the floor seemed to fall out from under her feet. She didn't scream, perhaps because she was far too confused to even consider it. She wasn't sure what was happening, but she wasn't on her feet anymore, and - BAM. Her body slammed into a wall and she winced, suddenly feeling extremely light headed...
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Friday, March 20th, 2009

Who: Brodie, Jamie, and Muse!
When: Sound-check
Where: Circean Delight - Upper Level

Muse was having the best day. She'd spent half of the day getting pretty for the show tonight, but still - best day. She didn't mind the storm one bit, she actually found it to be quite a lot of fun. Which had been made quite evident when she found a chair with wheels, and kept rolling back and forth across the dancefloor while she did her make-up and waited for her mic check. She'd folded her legs beneath her, and every time the ship rocked - wheeee went the chair! Somehow, she managed not to screw up her make-up while she did this. Living on a tour bus for months at a time could probably do that to a person.

She hadn't spoken to Jamie since giving him the key to Brodie's room, and she had to admit, she was quite curious to see how the pair were doing. It'd be such a bummer if they were upset with each other. Tonight was supposed to be a fun night!
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Friday, March 13th, 2009

Who: Jamie & Brodie
Where: Arete Deck - Jamie's room
When: Late into party time.

Jamie was a klutz. Clearly. )
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Sunday, March 8th, 2009

Having a Ball~

Who: Ball Attendees
When: Early evening
Where: Circean Delight

Cinderella, can't you see I don't want your company? )
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Saturday, March 7th, 2009

Good morning, Sunshine!!

Who: Jamie and Muse
When: Late morning
Where: His room for starts

Getting the key to Jamie's room hadn't actually been a challenge. Then again, Muse wasn't the sort of person many people got away with saying no to, so even if someone had tried to put up a fight, she probably wouldn't have noticed. What was important was that Jamie was going to be pampered.

Whether he liked it or not.

Muse hummed softly to herself as she slid the keycard through the lock, grinning to herself as she read the theme on the door. Inside, she found it was quite a nice room. Not really her style, but very comfortable. And best yet, it was easy to find Jamie - still asleep in his bed. "Wakey wakey!" she called out in a sing-song voice as she paused at the foot of his bed. She'd give it three seconds before she jumped on the bed.
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Thursday, February 26th, 2009

random text

To: Jamie
When: Mid-afternoon

SOCKS!!!!!!! :-P ~ Muse
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Monday, February 23rd, 2009

Who: Samantha and Jamie
Where: Gaia, greenhouse on Deck D
When: Tuesday afternoon

If Samantha was being honest with herself, going by herself to the greenhouse probably wasn't the best idea, but she'd explained to both Jesse and Savannah that maybe it was good for her to get out on her own. After all, when she'd gotten lost she'd decided to go exploring the ship, places she'd never been before. The greenhouse was one place that Samantha knew how to get to and back, and she highly doubted the power would go out a second time. It took a lot of courage for her to step out of her room, by herself, and make the trip to the greenhouse. But for the second time in just two days, she felt the need to prove it to herself that she wasn't as weak as she felt.

she'd spent the better part of the morning crying, feeling like a baby )
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