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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Attacking the Darkness [09 Jul 2009|03:22pm]
Who: Cath, Leto, Open to security
Where: Homer's Study
When: Mid-morning

Cath wasn't drinking. He hadn't gotten to that point yet. He wanted to take his knife to the walls of the ship for the note. And for taking Leto's brother and Mae. Saints, he couldn't think about that. Not and keep his head. It was hard enough to drink coffee without thinking about it. Tea wouldn't be any better. He couldn't stand to be in their room, because she was all over it. Sleep was out of the question.

If she were gone-

No, he'd deal with that after this was dealt with. She could still be hiding. But then, Alexander wasn't the type to hide, his sister said.

Fuck, he was living his worst nightmare. He tried to order his thoughts properly. No breaking down, no going mad. Keep it together until this task was finished. Then, he could do what he needed to when he was alone.
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TIME UPDATE [09 Jul 2009|05:22pm]
DATE: Friday, January 8, 2010.

WEATHER: It's still a bit drizzly and rainy, but the sun is still shining through the rain, projecting a giant rainbow above the ship. Aww...

EVENTS: If surprises pop up every day, and therefor become routine, are they still surprises? How about surprises that reach a whole new level of possibly-being-molested-by-ghostly-hands creepy?

Every passenger who changed rooms, and moved down to A or B deck will wake up in their originally assigned room, and will awake neatly tucked in their beds. If that's not enough, everyone that was relocated by these unseen forces has a note on their bedside table. In an elegant, neatly scrawling script, it reads simply, 'I put you where you were supposed to be. Love, Mother.'

There's another addition. Every room - every room - be it private or public, now bears a phrase somewhere. It could be written on a torn scrap of paper, it could be on the wall in an antique golden frame, it could be written on the wall, and in many public rooms with hardwood floors, artistically engraved right into the floor itself. The phrase is 'Never forget me, for I gave you life.' In the cases where it is handwritten, the handwriting matches 'Mother's handwriting.

Sometime around mid-day, a sinking yacht appears on the horizon. The ship changes its bearing of its own accord, and heads directly for it.

Oh. And Alexander's gone missing. But with all the mommy issues, maybe he's better off.
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Goodnight Saigon [09 Jul 2009|07:15pm]
Who: Miguel, Peter, Sean, and Leto
Where: Promenade Shop Storerooms, Security Room, Chapel
When: Early to mid-morning

We met as soul mates on Parris Island/We left as inmates from an asylum )
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Checking on a Friend [09 Jul 2009|11:37pm]
[ mood | worried ]

Who: Emily and Megan
When: At Sunrise
Where: Megan's Room
Note: Possibly NSFW

Emily ran up the stairs two steps at a time. After she had awoken in her originally assigned room, she had paused only long enough to put on a pair of shorts, a t-shirt, and her security-volunteer utility belt, and to check to make sure her father was safe in his room. Then she had grabbed her sneakers without bothering to put them on and had run out the door. Now she was just getting to the top of the two flights of stairs leading to Megan's room. She turned down the hallway to Megan's room and ran down it as fast as she could. There was no telling what would happen if Megan woke up and thought she was still on the B deck. She would surely be disoriented, and might hurt herself. Arriving at Megan's door, she knocked frantically. "Megan? Are you in there? It's me, Emily! Something weird has happened; you're back in your Chaste Tree room!"

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