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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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first meetings [14 Jun 2009|03:07pm]
Who: Ella and Ios
Where: D Deck
When: Late afternoon

Ella could not stand to be cooped up any longer. She was quite lonely because Matt was in a MOOD, rightfully so. She didn't know how to comfort him and knew that he probably didn't even want her help. She had been spending the nights in his room - alone in his bed while he slept on the couch. As soon as she woke up each morning, she slipped back to her room, where she stayed until time to go back to Matt's room. She was scared to be around the ship by herself, but she had to get out. She put on her favorite running outfit. Her hair was pulled back into a bouncy ponytail. She tucked her room keep into her waist band and took off, taking the stairs to the D Deck.

Once there, she stretched and then started jogging. The breeze off the ocean felt good on her face and it helped clear her head. The sky was clear and sunny even though the sun was moving around. After one lap around the deck, she sped up, really stretching her legs. She rounded a corner and was paying more attention to the seagulls playing in the sky than where she was running. She slammed into a firm body and went flying backwards on her ass. "Fuck!" she exclaimed. She squinted to see who or what she had run into.
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Black as Night, Sweet as Sin [14 Jun 2009|05:49pm]
Who: Maddie and Eve
Where: Cymaeties
When: Late afternoon

Maddie needed to sober up before her patrol shift that evening. Especially since everybody was still scattered all over the boat, which meant she had to have all of her wits in order. Not that she'd gotten even remotely drunk. A bottle of Jack over the entire day had barely given her a buzz. But even her alcoholic daddy had never hunted and drank. He'd taught her that nobody who was drinking should handle guns.

Which somebody ought to tell their self-appointed fearless leader. His coffee had smelled like it was mostly whiskey instead of coffee, even from halfway across the room. Of course, he was so fucking Irish she expected shamrocks to explode from his ass. So go figure.

Taking a long drink from the extra large cup of strong black coffee she'd gotten. Maddie didn't do that expresso shit. Give her strong black coffee with enough sugar in it the spoon stood up in the cup and she was a happy woman.

Or reasonably happy. She'd be a whole lot happier if they could get into engineering, this cruise to ended or something fucking happened. Anything, at this point.
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Count the blessings... [14 Jun 2009|06:15pm]
Who: Allie and Brodie
Where: The pool deck
When: Late afternoon

It wasn't as if Brodie wasn't happy - as happy as one could be when you're doomed to roam the ocean forever - but he was, again, feeling claustrophobic. He'd spent most week confined to Muse's suite, and though Jamie's company was something he appreciated terribly, Brodie still needed some air. And he needed to express his silly happy grin, but he didn't want to do it in front of anyone.

He'd left a napping Jamie a note, because the last thing Brodie wanted was to worry his boyfriend - who was usually pretty worried as it was - and walked out towards the fresh air of the pool deck, a place he was very fond of for some reason.

Sitting on one of the chaise lounges, Brodie closed his eyes and smiled. Yes, their world was going to shit. But he had had sex with his boyfriend and everything had gone fine, and if anything, he was a little bit more head over heels. And to Brodie, that was really all that mattered, that he had Jamie and Jamie had him through all this.
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Not Again... [14 Jun 2009|06:27pm]
Who: Jamie and Miguel
When: Late afternoon
Where: Muse's suite

Jamie had woken up shortly after Brodie had left - mostly because he was in fact gone and the body that he was growing used to having near him had disappeared. But by the time he really woke up, Brodie was long gone. That worried Jamie so he kind of scoured the suite first and found the note. It made him smile. He tore it from the notepad and put it away in his nightstand, trusting Brodie's judgment on going for a walk.

So he gathered up some clothes and went for a shower. He took his time to really enjoy it but not so long as to tie up the bathroom indefinitely. Still, he was definitely taking his sweet damned time. No one was about so no one was going to bother him, right? Wrong. So wrong.

Little did he know as he dressed (with the amusing shirt of the day) someone else was there...
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