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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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She Would Rather Light Candles than Curse the Darkness... [12 Jun 2009|11:28pm]
Who: Phoenix & Erik
Where: Prometheus' Flame
Where: Early Afternoon

Ten minutes had been plenty of time for Phoenix to get down to her shop, open it up and disable whatever traps were left. No point in getting this Erik guy hurt whoever he was. Alright, most of them were meant to dishearten and trip up, but some could cause injury. Those were probably the ones that Pyrrhus had focused on when he'd broken into her shop. (And she needed to physically smack him for that one. Her space! Her's!)

When she was all finished (which did not take long), she left the door open for Erik and settled in behind the counter like a good little shop girl. But she was feeling totally fidgety and kept tapping her fingers on the counter or bouncing on her heels. Phoenix was worrying her bottom lip between her teeth and if she wasn't careful, she was going to draw blood.

She knew she had no reason to be concerned because he'd made a public post and listed his name. People knew where she was. So if she ended up dead, there was a suspect and maybe the murdering part could end. Of course, that would end with her dead and really, she did not plan to go out any other way than burning. That was her lot in life - that's why she was Phoenix.
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