Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[08 Jun 2009|06:22pm]
Who: Molly, Savannah
When: Morning
Where: Thalia's Diner

Molly could be bossy as all hell when she wanted to be.  She called Savannah a unstuffed scarecrow in need of hey.  Then she half dragged (Savannah didn't seem to have either strength or willpower to resist) to Thalia's Diner. 

The Grand Buffet was closed to preserve food.  Leaving things out to waste or spoil was imprudent.  The made to order places were open, but for how much longer was unknown. The main kitchen had a hard enough time keeping staffed.

"You will sit there and consume valuable nutrients whilst I observe, else I will feed you myself. "  The ultimatum was made.  "You waste away, no ghosting or poofing away for you."
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