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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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When the notes are sour, where is the power you once had to ignite the air? [01 Jun 2009|08:14pm]
Who: Kaz, Zoe, and Nik
Where: Cyamites
When: Mid-morning

Other than heading out to the meeting with Sean and everyone (which had ended up seeming sort of pointless), Kaz hadn't been out of his room much recently. He'd finally hit on the lyrics and once he found himself in the zone, he didn't like to break his focus too much. He'd gotten at least half an album's worth the day before, and a couple more had come out this morning. His manager would be proud. If they ever got back, at least.

But the inspiration was starting to fade, now. Whatever muse had been upon him for the past 24 hours, it seemed to have taken a break or completely run out of steam. He'd jotted a few words down on his pad of paper, but had totally hit a block. He hoped that maybe a change of scenery would give him something to work with, so he headed down to the coffee shop. As good as the joe was, though, he still wasn't having the success he'd been having previously. There was something just... unsettling about the ship. As more and more people vanished and their cause seemed more and more hopeless, it seemed that the fun and excitement that had permeated the ship just a few days before had dissipated, giving way to tension and fear. Not exactly ideal songwriting conditions.

Sighing, he put his coffee cup down and looked at the pad. He hummed under his breath, half mumbling the words on the paper along with the tune in his mind, then scratched out what he'd written. This was not going well now.
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