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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Here We Go Again [15 May 2009|08:48pm]
Who: Maddie and Jamie
Where: Spa Deck
When: Early afternoon

Maddie leaned over the railing, staring out into the sea. She was up on the spa deck, mainly because it had a pretty damned good view as far as she could see. And of course, there was nothing. No other ships, no islands, hell, she hadn't even seen a whale or dolphin and they'd been out to sea almost two weeks straight.

She knocked back some Jack, contemplating having another go at screaming at the fuckers who were doing this. Something, somewhere was doing it. Maybe Jamie and his boy were right. Government aliens. At this point, weren't nothing would surprise her.

A clanking sound caught her attention. Sounded like a wrench being turned on a bolt. Real steady and even, as if the hand doing the turning knew what they were doing. She looked around for maintenance and saw...nobody.

Okay, she was either drunk already, which couldn't be because this was only the second swallow she'd had all day; or something new and awful weird was going on here. Absently, she reached up with her free hand and rubbed her tattoo. Something about the sound made her think of her daddy.

Maddie shook her head and took another slug on the bottle. Great, now the place was driving her crazy. Oh well, weren't that long of a trip, really.
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