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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Lock and Key [09 May 2009|12:31am]
Who: Kevin and Spy
Where: Outside the kitchens, Circean Delight
When: Mid-day, after the lunch rush

Kevin was really trying to keep a good outlook on things. The meeting earlier hadn't gone at all well, but he was trying to keep himself busy by securing all weapon-y things in the kitchens. He'd managed to find a few locks and chains to secure the knife drawers, much to the chagrin of the other staff. He figured they'd all seen the messages on the computers by now, and tried to explain to them that it was strictly for everyone's safety that he was doing this. They were all worried that he was looking for new and interesting ways to make their jobs harder.

Finally, he'd finished everything. In a little while, he'd let Sean know that the kitchens were secure. But for now, it was time for one of his pilfered cigars. He lit it, then after a puff or two, lifted it briefly to the heavens. "Cheers, Graham," he said, nodding to the skies for a moment before sitting down in his usual spot and trying not to think about how bollocksed they all were.
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Gimme a Break [09 May 2009|11:28am]
Who: Zoe and Autumn
Where: Deck outside the Circean Delight
When: Mid-afternoon, after Kevin's announcement to the kitchen staff

Zoe usually didn't smoke. It was bad for the lungs and she needed her lungs. She took one when offered to her about maybe a quarter of the time by her friends. It was a social thing, like drinking and pot. But now she really needed something to unwind her nerves, so she'd bummed a couple from Nik and headed out on the deck to try to pull herself together.

She should have borrowed his lighter too. She had a couple of books of matches in her apron, but her hands were shaking badly. All of her was shaking. Which was totally reasonable, considering what was going down.

Someone'd been murdered. Security had completely disappeared, except for one guy. More people had disappeared. The head chef was locking up all the knives. Seriously, all of them. She didn't envy the cooks at all.

This was totally fucked up. Somehow, she managed to get a match lit and light up. Thank Buddha for small miracles. Shaking out the match, she took a long drag, tilting her head back as she exhaled smoke. The nicotine was helping almost instantly. Part of being a smoking lightweight. Quick fix achieved.

Too bad it wasn't helping shut up her racing mind.
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