Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[04 May 2009|09:10pm]
Who: Mae and Molly
What: Does anyone know with Molly?
Where: Coffee Shop
When: 9ish AM

Molly was worried about Sean.  He'd come to get her and her friends all showered fresh and in different cloths.  He said something had come up, but he was rather tacturn after that.  It was one of his moods.  The kind he got into when he was particularly lost in the meaness of the world. 

This morning was miracle time again.  Sean was all healed up, except for the funny eyebrow line.  And everything was fixed  Vases in Sean's room, broken mosaic shades in hers.  Even her cell phone.  Sean had been frantic about how someone must have been in their rooms and he'd somehow slept through it.  Then he'd told her to please stop humming so he could think. 

Molly hadn't been humming that time.  She didn't hear the tune playing.    But she did smell the lilacs Sean had been cursing yesterday.  When Savannah slipped into the shower Molly noticed she was wearing someone else's nightgown, because it was too big.    If Savannah didn't have any of her own Molly would offer up one of hers tonight. 

Sean had taken Savannah where she wanted to go, and had dropped off Molly at the coffee shop before going to something at the Library.  Molly decided to take the time to sketch in the relative quiet, now that she had her phone and pictures back.  But first she needed fortification.

She stood at the counter and smiled at the girl behind it.  She looked Molly's age.  "Can I have Vanilla Chai made with milk, please.  It's silly to call in chai because chai means tea, now doesn't it?  If you order a chai tea you're asking for tea tea."
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And the spies hide out in every corner... [04 May 2009|11:44pm]
Who: Spy (Solo)
Where: His Room
When: Afternoon
Warning: PG-13 (Male Nudity)

But you can't touch them no/'Coz they're all spies. )
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