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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[03 Apr 2009|06:13am]
Who: Eve and Jack
When: Some time in the early morning
Where: The magnificent Cloud Nine (it's Jack's room)
Warning: NSFW, apparently.

Eve had been able to guess what was coming her way even before the doctors took a look at her. Bandages and concussion watch, which meant no sleeping for twenty-four hours, which meant exacerbated exhaustion and possibly hallucinating. If she really got that desperate, that was.

Jack, being the caring soul he always was, did not leave her side for a minute; and he even offered to stay with her throughout the sleep deprivation period, just in case anything got worse. Once they started wondering where to go do this, Eve immediately thought of her own room, where baggy, comfortable clothes would be. But then, she remembered the numerous sculptures that had decorated her room so beautifully. They would be completely shattered on the floor.

However... )
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Found and Lost [03 Apr 2009|02:40pm]

Who: Molly (open to anyone or any number)
Where: Anywhere in the halls between G and C decks
When: Early afternoon

Molly Green was feeling very good.  No gain, no pain.  Molly had decided she needed do three things.  A, find Sean, 2, Check on Chelsea, and butterfly, see how Lisa was doing, getting something to eat was in there somewhere, and she was fairly certain that was more than three.  She was wearing her soft, knit pajamas and her Happy Bunny slippers declaring ‘plotting revenge is fun’.

Wheeeee! )
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Empty-Handed [03 Apr 2009|09:52pm]
Who: Gor, Ios, Nik and Slav
Where: Ios & Nik's Room
When: Around 3 AM

It was a strange kind of relief, tempered by a guilt. )
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