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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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all in a hard day's work [29 Mar 2009|12:24am]
Who: Res and Keane
When: Around 1ish
Where: All over the place

Res had just finished dragging someone out of the pool when everything stopped and stilled. She froze, afraid moving or blinking might fucking jinx it. But it soon became apparent that it was actually and honestly over. Taking what felt to be the first true, deep breath she'd had in hours, she allowed herself to fall onto her ass, and then onto her back on the stage to stare up at the ceiling. She was lying on something odd-shaped and uncomfortable, but right now she could care less. "...Tell me that didn't really happen."

Keane had followed Res' lead, and was lying on his back next to her, trying to catch his breath. Thought really hadn't been a part of the process for the past -- what was it, anyway? Hour or so, at least, and now that he was thinking it was all quite disturbing. "You've got more lives than a cat, Res."

Res and Keane = epic win. Also? So full of shit. )
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Waking up in hell... [29 Mar 2009|11:31am]
Who: Megan and Ronnie
Where: Greenhouse, then wherever
When: About 2ish. She slept a little.

Megan had no idea what time it was when she finally woke up. She could feel Niles' puppy breath on her lap, which was good, he was okay. First thing she did was spit out the dirt in her mouth. "Nasty, much?" she said to no one in particular. She opened her braille watch, wondering how long it had been, but it still said 12:01. "Aw fuck, and I just got this, too." She tried to gather what she could about her surroundings. First off, she was covered in dirt and plants. She tried to move, causing a massive ache in her side from where she'd run into the table. She whimpered a little, waking Niles up, who immediately sprung to attention, shaking the dirt off of himself and getting more on her. "Hey!" she said with a bit of a laugh. "Good boy. You kept an eye on Mommy, didn't you? Good boy." Niles responded by trying to clean her face with his tongue.

Using the walls near her to brace herself, she slowly got up, occasionally knocking away a random plant that had landed on her. What the fuck happened, anyways? She grabbed her side again and winced. "Okay. First things first. Figure out where we are, exactly." She had no clue where in the room she was. The only thing she was sure of was that if she followed the wall, she had to find the door eventually, right? She leaned down to find Niles, who was dutifully waiting at her feet. Taking his leash, she gave him a little pet on the head. "Okay, sweetie, you didn't see your harness did you?" Niles just looked up at her. "Didn't think so. Crap. Well, let's go."

Her hand on the wall when she could, following the nearest table when she couldn't, to stay on course, she slowly made her way around the room. As she got closer, she could hear the murmur of people moving around on the rest of the deck. "Oh, thank god." Kicking debris out of her way as she went, she finally managed to find the doorway. Niles, happy to be out of there, began pulling her out. "Easy boy, easy." The sudden movement made her ribs jostle and she inhaled sharply. She 'looked' around, listening for someone close. Taking a deep breath (which hurt more than a little), she shouted to the air. "Hellooo? Anyone? Lost blind chick in the hallway! What the fuck happened here anyways?"
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[29 Mar 2009|04:18pm]
Who: Lilo, Open to one or two characters (one of whom she probably tapped for help, but she's also approachable)
What: Trying to retrieve her other shoe
Where: H Deck pool and stage area and surrounding walkways
When: About an hour after the boat stops rocking.

Lilo had declined going to the AG after all the craziness had stopped. The young girl was shaken, and aching, but she had lost her shoes and was determined to find them. Her mother had bought her those shoes and they were very special to her, and she needed them anyway. There was so much broken glass everywhere up here she didn't even want to attempt to go downstairs without them.

After hunting for nearly an hour she had one see-through heel in hand and was standing in a clear patch of floor, looking anxiously at the glimmer of its parner, haf buried in random junk about twenty feet away. She would simply walk over and retrieve it, but she only had one shoe and there was a multitude of broken glass and debris in her way.

Sitting on the table she shivered. She had been in the pool and as such her blue dress was soaked and cold, her hair dripping down her back and making it worse. Finally she got up and slowly, carefully made her way out towards the crowd, looking for somebody with two shoes on that might help her.

"Ex-excuse me?" she reached out and tentatively tapped someone who wasn't bustling off and who had met the two shoe requirement. "Excuse me, could I um, could I get your help? It'll only take a second...."
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