Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[22 Feb 2009|09:18pm]
Who: Muse and open!
When: Early afternoon
Where: Arete Deck Salon

Muse was having a spa day - something that, in her rise to fame, had really become a weakness. There was nothing like being pampered, and Muse took well to it. She hated to admit it, but really, she was an attention whore, in a harmless sort of way. She loved feeling clean and pretty and ready to take over the world. Not that she didn't feel ready to take over the world on her worst days.

She'd had a steam, had manis and pedis, a facial, had a massage appointment for later, and now? Was having her highlights redone. New Years was just days away, she had to look her best. She loved this sort of thing, and had chatted away with the stylist for a good chunk of the afternoon so far. After being lead to the dryers to sit for a while, she looked to the rack of magazines for something to amuse herself with. And saw herself on the cover of Rolling Stone. She couldn't help but beam, but really, how awkward was that? She did like that picture they chose though, what a fun day that had been! She loved photoshoots. Photoshoots felt like pampering time.

She ignored the thought of reading when it appeared that someone was about to be seated in the dryer next to her. Conversation was always preferable. "Hello!"
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Karen's Story [22 Feb 2009|11:05pm]
[ mood | depressed ]

Who: Lisa
Where: Cyamites Net Café
When: Early Tuesday Morning

Lisa stepped hesitantly into the net café attached to Cyamites and looked around. No once else was in the room; good! She selected a computer carefully, choosing one positioned so that she would be able to see anyone else entering the room and would be able to clear the screen before that person could see what she was looking at. There, that one. She sat down and logged into the internet. Bringing up her usual search engine, she typed in the words “Atlanta News Karen Chandler” and was instantly rewarded with a number of articles. She clicked on the topmost one.

Learn the truth about Lisa… )

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