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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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slightly restless [23 Jan 2009|01:00am]
who: azi and jerome
where: helios deck
when: late evening

Azi supposed he could have gone to be social at that...era night or whatever, but he wasn't feeling terribly social. He hadn't met anyone he actually wanted to come across a second time yet, and that was slightly disheartening to him. It wasn't that he couldn't bury himself in his work for months on end and never miss another human being the entire time, but this cruise was meant to be fun as well as work oriented. Plus, he'd been buried in work for a few months before he boarded the ship, it was possible he was slightly starved for company. Or at the very least, decent converation.

He was leaning on the rail, smoking and watching the breeze take the smoke and drift it up towards the sky, where his gaze kept drifting.
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EVENT [23 Jan 2009|10:18am]
Shortly after 8:30, the power on the ship begins to flicker - before going out entirely. Emergency lights flip on, but only cast a dim red light through the hallways and public rooms. A voice over the loudspeaker explains that the ship’s electrical system is having technical difficulties, and they will have the power back on as soon as possible. In the meantime, free drinks at Circean Delight in attempts to make up for the inconvenience. Many people are gathering there, where many candles have been lit, and the crew members have flashlights.

Unfortunately, the lights aren’t the only thing affected by the blackout. All of the elevators freeze - and some of them have passengers. Stuck in one are Noah, Chelsea, and Cam. Stuck in another are Savannah, CJ, and Lisa. The emergency phones quickly ring to explain that they will be freed as soon as possible, but until then, there’s nothing to do but sit tight and wait. The elevators are not particularly cramped, and there is enough room for three people to sit on the floor without getting in each other's space, and there is a single blinking dim red light coming from the ceiling.
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your bitch [23 Jan 2009|01:06pm]
Who: Res and Keane
When: Around 8:30
Where: Their room, the med lab, halls

Res had spent some time in the gym during the evening, and upon returning to her room, she'd headed immediately to hop in the shower. She was just starting to rinse off when the power went out She stared at nothing in the darkness, standing under the stream of hot water while she waited for it to come back on. A few flickers, and then out for good. "Well... shit." she mumbled, blinking at a whole lot of nothing. She put the soap down, not noticing as it slid off the rim of the tub and onto the floor, turned the water off, and promptly moved to step out of the tub. Gravity immediately bitch-slapped her. "OHHHHH SHIT!"

Keane had been in his room, strumming softly away on his guitar when the power went out. Like Res, he stilled and waited for the power to switch back on. It never did -- and then he heard Res' expletive shout, along with a loud thud. "Res?" he asked, sitting up a bit straighter. They had propped the door between their rooms open, and he stared in the general direction of it. "You okay?"

Define 'okay'. )
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Stuck [23 Jan 2009|01:41pm]
Who: Savannah, CJ, and Lisa
Where: Elevator
When: 8:30 PM

Savannah had paid little attention to the others in the elevator beyond the casual glance. The little numbers on the panel were lit up, displaying the different floors the passengers intended to disembark on.

Savannah herself was headed to one of the club-like areas. Much to her siblings' annoyance, Savannah had skipped out on dessert to go back to their suite to change. She was hoping that in the interim, Jesse had convinced Samantha to join them -- at least long enough to meet some new people...

Thinking as she was of her sister, she was also thinking about herself. That is, she was thinking about her outfit and her hair and wondering if there was even a thread out of place...

The elevator was suddenly plunged into darkness with a slight jerk. It wasn't hard enough to send her toppling into any of the other passengers, but it was certainly noticable. Her lips parted slightly in a surprised 'o.'

Well, that really wasn't good...
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Happy Accidents [23 Jan 2009|06:58pm]
Who: Muse, Naima, Aileen, and open to more!
When: Shortly after the power goes
Where: Circean Delight

After the power had gone out, Muse had called guest services for someone to come and walk her down to Circean Delight. For the trip so far, she'd done nothing but sleep in her room - she was just coming off of a mini press tour and she was exhausted. She'd woken up from a nap, bright eyed and bushy tailed, just in time to have the power go. Oh well! Muse didn't mind so much.

Now she was sitting at a table for two, her features and soft smile illuminated by a candle. She'd always liked it when she was a little girl and the power went out - it had felt like a mini adventure, and her parents had made it fun. She and her mum would build a fort out of blankets and chairs, and her dad would tell stories. She kind of wished they were here now. She was lonely. Still in high spirits though, as she flicked the flame with her fingertips.
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Livin' it up while we're going... nowhere [23 Jan 2009|08:21pm]
Who: Chelsea, Cam, and Noah
Where: The Other Elevator
When: 8:30 PM

Well, shit! This was not good. Chelsea felt the elevator shake as it had ground to a halt, the small chamber going completely dark save for a single, blinking red light in the ceiling. She'd gotten on the elevator with one man, and they'd stopped for another, and had just started up again when the power went. I better not have gotten dressed up for nothing. She'd brought a sort of Gwen Stefani-ish outfit with her when she'd read about a 90s theme night on the website; she had her hair up in a ponytail, a little short sleeved belly shirt that said GWEN on it that she'd made, some track pants and an old pair of Adidas sneakers on her feet. She'd even gotten one of those stick-on bindi things and even done a bit of make up, which was very unusual for her, but she was feeling like looking stellar tonight for some reason. In the dim red light, she looked around at her fellow elevator hostages. "Sooo, I guess the party's here tonight?" She chuckled, a little nervously.
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The notes are sour... where is the power? [23 Jan 2009|10:39pm]
Who: Kaz and Aileen
Where: Ossa and the fifth floor, then heading downstairs
When: 8:30 PM

Kaz had gone down to Ossa a little early. Part of his contract was that he was to make appearances at parties like this, which he accepted, although he didn't have his heart into this one. A nineties theme? I was pretty much wearing the same thing then as I do now, he had thought as he looked through his wardrobe. He'd settled on a simple suit with no tie. Luckily men's clothing didn't go through nearly the phases women's did, for the most part.

He was sitting at a table by the bar, tuning his guitar and working through a new song he'd been having trouble with. He figured it wouldn't hurt, since he was supposed to be part of the entertainment, to bring the guitar, make the fans feel special for getting to hear an impromptu performance. He'd already downed one Shiner Bock, grateful that the ship had carried it, and was almost done with another. He put it down on the table and began to play a slow little melody on the guitar.

He sung quietly to himself. "And I know that I am the luckiest, and I know... know... FUCK." He played a dissonant chord then leaned over to scratch out some lyrics he had jotted down on a napkin. He rubbed his temples then took another swig. He knew he should slow down, but he always wrote better when he was a little "sedated." And since he'd gotten off the smack...

Suddenly, darkness enveloped the club. "The hell?" Kaz jumped up and heard the sound of guitar hitting bottle, followed by the sound of liquid pouring. "Aw, Christ!" The red emergency lights were coming on already, and his eyes adjusted just in time to see the contents of his bottle emptying out onto the napkin and blurring the freshly-written lyrics on the napkin. He looked down and sighed. "Crappy song anyways." He heard the loudspeaker crackle to life and apologize for the blackout. He smiled a little when he heard the announcement about the free drinks. "Guess I better pack up. Can't pass up free booze." He looked around for his guitar case, but he quickly came to the realization that he'd left it somewhere that he'd never find in the dark. That lazy Cuban barkeep better not steal it while I'm gone. He slung the guitar over his shoulder and headed for the corridor, which at least seemed a little better lit than the club. He looked around once he was outside. "Now. Where's the damn stairs again?"
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