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Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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Getting Pumped [21 Jan 2009|06:35am]
Who: Chelsea and Ella
Where: Fitness center
When: Afternoon, a couple of hours before dinner

Chelsea still couldn't believe she was actually here. It was like a dream come true, being on a cruise, on her way to Bermuda... it was all so much to take in! She'd explored the ship, pleasantly surprised at just how easy it was to get around- the only thing she couldn't really get to was the jogging track and golf area, but she could deal with that. Her room was beautiful, she'd already made a list of things she was planning to buy before the cruise was over, and the food, oh god, the food! She'd always tried to eat healthy, especially after her accident, but it was so hard to resist the wonders that were available. She knew that she'd have to hit the fitness center a couple of times to keep herself in shape.

She changed into wind pants, sneakers, and a Dale Jr t-shirt, pulled her hair back into a short ponytail and headed out of her room. She wheeled her blue wheelchair into the fitness center, and it was, like most of the ship, mostly empty. The only other occupant was a larger man, huffing and puffing on a treadmill while listening to his iPod. It was a little disturbing to be on a ship this empty, but she appreciated the fact that it gave her maneuvering room. In most places. She looked at the fitness center and quickly realized that she'd found one other place where not a lot of thought had been given to accessibility. She sighed. Definitely need to bring that up in the little review thing. Seeing the machines she wanted to use were halfway across the room, she parked her chair by the restroom and lowered herself to the ground.

She managed to drag and scoot herself over to the machines slowly, thankful for her upper body strength, and pulled herself up onto one of the weight machines, a bench press machine. She smiled as she realized that at least the weights themselves were in easy reach. She set the machine at 100 lbs and lay down on the bench, then began going through her repetitions, inhaling and exhaling in a steady rhythm, only vaguely listening to the televisions as she focused on the weights, biting her lip slightly as she went, already feeling the fine mist of sweat forming on her face.
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