Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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let the festivities begin! [09 Jan 2009|09:33pm]
Who: Open to all
When: 7 PM
Where: Circean Delight

Even with all the passengers inside of Circean Delight, the room manages not to look anywhere close to over-crowded - or crowded at all. After people find their tables and submit their orders, a mature-looking gentleman in uniform takes the stage. He introduces himself as Captain Theodore Hill, and heartily welcomes everyone to the NausicaƤ's maiden voyage.

He then proceeds to tell a summarized version of the tale of the Odyssey, with much emphasis on NausicaƤ's role as a savior to Odysseus. Smiling, he closes his speech, "And so she told Odysseus, 'Never forget me, for I gave you life.' I hope to share with you all an experience you will never forget, and will cherish for the rest of your life." The room applauds, and Captain Hill steps down to enjoy his meal at the captain's table.
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