Oblivion ::: An Original RP's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Oblivion ::: An Original RP

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[05 Jan 2009|09:10pm]
Who: Aaren and open
When: Night
Where: Sky Deck

Aaren leaned over the table, slashing it with a random cleaning product and swiftly dragged her rag across it eliminating the leftover crumbs and spilled drink that the customers so gladly left for her to clean. She did this for five more tables until another fellow waitress came to save her from her misery. Her wrist elevated up and over staring at her watch, seeing that it was already eleven o’clock. Sauntering to the back of the kitchen, she disposed of her waitress uniform and dressed into her comfortable maroon t-shirt and her jeans. Walking out of the kitchen, she smiled at her coworkers and waved her hand, “I’ll see you tomorrow” she said, though her smile couldn’t hide how tired she was. Beth, a fellow waitress waved at her a rag still in her hand, “Okay sweetie, get some sleep. You look tired” she said in a mother tone. A small chuckle escaped Aaren’s lips and nodded her head, “Will do”

With that she walked out of the restaurant and outside into the dark night. Arching her neck up, she spotted the beautiful bright stars. Being away from the city lights gave one an advantage. People over there couldn’t see how stunning the stars were. Walking straight ahead, she leaned over the boating rail looking down at the dark navy water, feeling the soft swaying of the boat. There was a reason why she agreed to come here, the pay, and the freedom. A small warm breeze uplifted up her face and through her long thin braids on her hair. Her free arm dangled over the railing letting it hand loose and crossed her ankles. She missed home, she really did, but she was glad she went on the boat. After a moment, she could feel her eyelids getting heavy and stretched her arms out into the sky, yawning and stretching at the same time before leaning in over again.
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