March 2015



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Mar. 6th, 2015



Since most characters are introduced now and the game needs a bit of momentum to keep going, we've decided it's time to make our own momentum. Would you like to be the volunteer for... THE FIRST PLOT!?!?

One by one, characters in the game will start to have strange things happen to them, the landscape, and the other players, that represent the fears they must confront. Would you like to be first? We will come up with one of your character's fears to exploit for a game-wide plot event. We'll work together to come up with something that will impact multiple characters in a way their players like. Also, all plots are opt-in; if you want your character to be immune or unaffected by a plot option, that's cool too!

This is also a great thread to come up with future plot events so we can keep momentum moving, or maybe, if they go together really great, have some concurrent plot events.

Feb. 17th, 2015



FYI, I will be on vacation for the next week and a half. I have no idea how much internet access I'll have. But do not cry for me, for I will be having a great time day drinking with my family and making friends with sea turtles. See y'all soon!

Jan. 30th, 2015


Oi. nutmeg desu! Some of you already know me, for that I apologize. For those that don't... I still apologize. I've brought with me two of my favourite protagonists: Fingolfin ([info]kingnolfin) and Steve Rogers aka Captain America ([info]cpt_rogers).

Both are characters I've spent a bit of time with. (YEARS in Nolf's case) Both are men who have effectively died in their canon.

Fingolfin's interests include knitting, reading, his wife, family honour, and defeating the dark lord. He's probably got a bit of depression and can be rather reclusive and defensive.

Steve has mild PTSD due to his involvement in WWII. He's shy, but covers it by being forward. He's a blusher. He enjoys art and literature and wouldn't mind learning how to dance. He's gender-fluid/pansexual but not yet come to terms with it due to being a child of the (19-)20s/30s (thus unaware of such things being possibilities!)

We look forward to making the rounds~

Jan. 17th, 2015


I have a problem...

It's Lauren again and I'm easily enabled.

Meet Helena from Orphan Black! She's Alison's sestra. (Clone, but shh.) She likes food, kids, and occasionally jamming her thumbs in peoples' eyes when they try to hurt her and hers because she was tortured into becoming a religious assassin. She is not pregnant but she doesn't know that yet.

Basically she's like a rescued fighting pitbull, but with awesome hair and a Ukranian accent.

She may steal your dinner and your shoes.

Jan. 14th, 2015


I can't help myself.

BB here with another new character.

This is Alison Hendrix. You might know her from a show called Orphan Black. She's just your average suburban housewife. With a drinking problem. Who happens to be a clone. And sorta killed someone by not stepping in to save them because she thought they were a Bad Guy. But it turns out that was her husband, sorta. Who put her in rehab, because of possible Bad Guy reasons.

Also she can use a gun. Please don't give her a gun. A glass of wine is probably safer.

Jan. 13th, 2015


That's my jam!

Hello. It's my Friday, even though it is most civilized people's Tuesday. For many of you it is, in fact, Hump Day Eve. LET'S CELEBRATE.

In the comments, post a song that is your character's jam! It can be official from a movie/tv show soundtrack or something else that you just find totally fitting. It doesn't matter if it's been posted before to other memes because I always seem to ask for music in my games.


I'll go first with Katniss here. CLICK ON THE GIF FOR HER JAM! Lorde's "Yellow Flicker Beat" from the Mockingjay Part 1 movie soundtrack because I was not feeling especially creative to post something original and I love this song.

Jan. 9th, 2015


May the odds be ever in your favor!

Here. Have a seventeen year old girl who's survived two televised fight to the death blood baths, the firebombing of her home town, starvation, genetically engineered horrors, a boyfriend brainwashed to kill her and a bunch of adults trying to use her as a political pawn for their war.