One Second Chance - OOC community. - July 24th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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July 24th, 2009

[Jul. 24th, 2009|04:50 pm]
AHHHHHH! Okay, so. I was supposed to go on vacation with a few friends in about 2 weeks...But I just got called by my best friend saying, "SHIT, change of plans, we're leaving tomorrow. SEE YOU AT 6!!!!" So, Katie will miss her own birthday party and the rest of my characters will miss whatever else is going on...

So, if you guys could kind of be like...YEAH KATIE WAS THERE AND SHE WAS SURPRISED! That would be nice.

Well, I have packing to do, but I will definatley be on in like an hour and tonight, so no worries.

Sorry times 10 million,
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