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May 24th, 2009

I see a bad moon rising, I see trouble on the way [May. 24th, 2009|07:17 pm]
[Ministry to Pub in Hogsmeade]
[7 pm]
[Auror Shacklebolt, Minister Whirlington, Assistant to the Minister Montague]

Gawain Robards paced in front of his desk, stopping every so often to look at the board he had connecting all the suspect Death Eater attacks. He enjoyed his job as Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. It wasn't always fun, but it was always a challenge. And his support staff was great; he trusted Shacklebolt with his life. Working with Shacklebolt when he was senior auror and Robards was Head of the Aurors, was extremely rewarding. And Robards knew it was time for him to cut the bureaucracy and get the Minister and Shacklebolt together to figure this out. He wasn't looking forward to this becoming another war. Heaving a sigh, Robards sat down at his desk and drafted a memo.

To: Minister Cynthia Whirlington, Auror Kingsley Shacklebolt, Head of the Aurors
CC: Owyn Montague, Assistant to the Minister
BCC: Gawain Robards, Head of Magical Law Enforcement Department

I have reserved the backroom at the Thundering Dragon Pub in Hogsmeade for seven this evening. Please attend if you are able. We have important things to discuss and at this time and I believe a neutral place is best.

Gawain Robards

Head of Magical Law Enforcement
Ministry Floo 202

Robards sent out the memo and gathered his things, apparating to the room at the pub.
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