August 18th, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO Amadeus Lazarus & Ariel Lee Underwood
WHERE An Abandon Church
WHEN Aug 17
WARNINGS Gore. Lots of it.
STATUS Complete Another Kindred is attacked and Sheriff and hound move in to deal with the hunters responsible before they can strike again.
Forgive me Father for I have sinned. Read more... )



[No Subject]

Who: Ariel and Amadeus. Again.
What: A conversation between husbandnothusbands and the removal of bullets.
When: After this
Where: The haven
Warnings: Mentions of gore, injuries, probably more. Look, just... it's Double A. All the warnings.

I'm on the outside and I'm lookin' in. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Cian & Open to several
WHEN: August 19th
WHERE: Blue Velvet
WHAT: Cian drank from the wrong person
WARNINGS: Mentions of drug use

For what it's worth, I'd do it again )