July 2nd, 2020



[No Subject]

WHO: Amadeus Lazarus & Lucian Carlyle, Prince of New York (NPC)
WHEN: July 1st, Late Night
WHERE: The 'Ivory' Tower
WHAT: The Sheriff reports in to the Prince about the death of the Ventrue Primogen and also discusses the state of the Hounds.
STATUS: Complete

Who else knows? )



[No Subject]

WHO: Julian Blackwood & Sebastian Castille
WHEN: July 2nd
WHERE: The Blue Velvet
WHAT: Sebastian heard a rumor about a certain Malk being in town and returns to find said Malk within the Blue Velvet. Lucky him.
STATUS: Unfinished/Incomplete

A Malkavian Walks Into A Bar. )



[No Subject]

WHO: Amadeus Lazarus & Ariel Lee Underwood
WHEN: July 2, not long before sunrise
WHERE: Amadeus's place
WHAT: Amadeus needs someone to be a magic guinea pig. Also see pros and cons of dating a Tremere.
WARNINGS: Also the pros and cons of dating a Gangrel or also known as Fire meets Gasoline. Honestly, they can't keep their fangs hands to themselves.
STATUS: Complete

It's just one little ritual spell. )