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Jul. 3rd, 2013


log: rhys and q being a hot mess

Who: Quinn and Rhys
When: Monday, July 1st, ~1pm
Where: Rhys' apartment
What: At the house warming party Quinn joked that Rhys should buy her lingerie for her birthday, so she goes to his place to show him her underwear??? They make out and have a lot of weird emotional confusion about what they're doing and feel guilty about stuff??? Quinn stops them before it goes further than she wants and then Rhys suggests they go swimming so things don't get awkward between them.

We should probably stop before this goes further. )


Texts: Dave and Blaine

Washington DC this weekend with Kurt and Finn and Puck? Kurt invited me but since you like him I thought I'd invite you too.

Jul. 1st, 2013


Emails: Donny and Marley


Dear Marley,

Do you want to go sailing on the 4th of July? :)



Thread: Dave and Blaine talk and stuff

Who: Dave and Blaine
Where: Their apartment
When: Backdated to Friday, June 28, after the party
What: Roommate time.
Rating: TBA

Even though Dave hadn't originally wanted to go to the party, he'd ended up having a nice time in the long run. It kind of sucked being in the same place as Milo, but they'd managed the whole evening without any super awkward scenes or anything like that. Dave didn't want to make a big deal about the break up, since it wasn't like they had been that serious anyway.

Besides, it helped that he had kissed two of his attractive friends. That never was a problem.

Dave settled onto the couch once they got back, still a little tipsy from the party, and looked over at Blaine. "Thanks for going with me. That would have sucked if you hadn't been there."


Log: Annabelle and Santana

Who: Ann & Santana
What: Making new connections
When: June 27 (Backdated)
Where: Nyada campus

Spending more time on something isn’t going to hurt, right? )


Log: Jesse and Puck (Backdated to June 14th)

Who: Jesse St. James and Noah Puckerman
What:Making music
Where:NYADA practice rooms
When:June 14th

How about some Kansas or Journey...something classic? Unless you feel up to some Queen. )

Jun. 30th, 2013


Texts: Brittany and Tina

Hey. What are you doing for the 4th?!


Texts: Joe and Rhys

Hey. Feel like being a beach bum with me this weekend?


Emails: Santana and Ann


do you want to come to fire island for the 4th of july? the 3rd to the 7th. we have a house booked and it's around $200 for the long weekend. let me know if you're interested.


email: fire island planning

To: 'Santana Lopez', 'Brittany Pierce', 'Mercedes Jones', 'Art Abrams', 'Rhys Beckham', 'Jesse St. James',
Subject: Fire Island

Hey everyone,

I have the house booked from Wednesday (3rd) til Sunday (7th). I'm going up Wednesday morning because it's my birthday (!!!) and there's no way I am working, but you NYADA kids probably have to stay for classes that day? Come up afterwards so we can celebrate!

It's an 8 person house, so there is 1 empty bed. Anyone have someone to invite? Let me know!

- Q

P.S. You all owe me $250

(ooc: this is the house -- and lets pretend it was only $2000 so everyone will owe Quinn $250 ... or rather, Quinn told everyone it was only $2000 so everyone could afford it??? That probably happened...)


Log: Milo and Dave

Who: Milo and Dave
When: backdated to Tuesday, June 25
Where: Milo's apartment

this is the end, my friend, the end )

Jun. 29th, 2013


log: tad and q do sag harbor~

Who: Quinn and Tad
Where: Tad's house in Sag Harbor
When: Saturday, June 29th
What: Quinn has dinner at the Lancasters, spends the night, then makes an early escape, all while dealing with Tad's ... eccentricities

Who was dead? Did she die in that room? Was she a ghost haunting the house? )

Jun. 27th, 2013


log: marley and santana hang out

Who: Marley and Santana
When: Monday, June 24th
Where: NYADA~
What: Practicing after rehearsals then getting burgers

It’s part of being a mentor )

Jun. 26th, 2013


Friday's House Warming Party!!! (posted early bc i can~)

Apartment layout (stairs for roof deck is in the kitchen):

A house warming party to celebrate Quinn, Santana, Brittany and Mercedes new place! Or just a reason to have a party~ AND SPIN THE BOTTLE!

Jun. 24th, 2013


Log: The most important meal of the day

Who: Joe & Rhys
What: The roommates share breakfast
When: June 7 (Backdated)
Where: Their studio apartment

And honestly? I'm so hungry that I would have let you )

Jun. 23rd, 2013


log: quinntana hanging out (and slight macking)

Who: Quinn and Santana
When: Saturday, June 22nd (late/technically the 23rd bc it’s so late~)
Where: Their rooftop deck
What: Quinn and Santana get off work at the same time and hangout at home

Learning how to put those garters on totally paid off. )


Email: House Warming Party Invitation

To: 'Art Abrams', 'Brittany Pierce', 'Brody Weston', 'Donny Patrick', 'Jesse St. James', 'Joe Hart', 'Mercedes Jones', 'Milo Taliaferro', 'Noah Puckerman', 'Rhys Beckham', 'Santana Lopez', 'Tad Lancaster', [NPCs]

Come help christen Chateau Awesome (Santana literally will not stop calling our apartment this and now I can't) this Friday night at 7pm!!!

Please RSVP. Feel free to bring friends, but let us know, so we know how many to expect.

- Q

[Directions attached]

ooc: anyone can show up despite not getting an invite, q is just choosy about who she emailed :|

Jun. 20th, 2013


Emails: Movie Night


movie night tomorrow at rhys and joe's place? rhys and i have personally appointed ourselves party planners for the summer of epicness.


texts: finn and ann


Jun. 19th, 2013


thread: [backdated] puck and finn

Who: Finn and Puck
When: Backdated! June 11th
Where: Their apartment
What: Trying to talk their issues~ out

After the whole fiasco of walking in on Puck with Ann, Finn had been avoiding his roommate like the plague. Unfortunately there was only so much time he could spend in the practice rooms or out of the apartment. He had to come home to eat and sleep and shower and stuff.

Kurt had offered Finn his room that first night, but Finn felt guilty about the swap and eventually went back to his own bedroom. That was how he found himself tossing and turning back in his own room, unable to sleep in such close quarters with Puck, the events of the past few days still not leaving his head.

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September 2013




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