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[22 Apr 2010|02:42am]
Hey everyone, it's Cori, coming to make the Marauders whole again! I think everyone knows Remus Lupin, the adorkable bookworm who runs with a pack of some of the biggest troublemakers to come out of Hogwarts this generation. He's made it his life mission to try and keep them in line, like Jiminy Cricket, or a babysitter-- which is actually how he was employed, before the events in Winchelsea last winter brought him to the Ministry's attention. He has been living on Sirius's charity ever since, trying in vain to convince him of the value of a clean house. He is polite and apologetic to a fault, but don't mistake him for a pushover, because he is secretly quite fierce if you hurt someone he loves. (Or if you leave him hungry by bringing home Firewhisky instead of bread and milk.)

Basically he's the same Remus we all know and love, and he's ready for lines, old and new alike! I already know of a few things Jilly had going, that I'm willing to work in, but if there's plotting I'm not privy too, let me in on it and I'll see what I can do!
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