Aug. 22nd, 2010


Hey guys! It's the Sunday Round-Up!

The Sunday Round-Up is a once/month OOC post in which everyone (everyone) posts a comment and just catches us all up on what your character has been up to since the last round-up. In this case, since the start of the game!

A lot has happened, and sometimes (especially with thread posts that can move slowly) it's hard for all the players to keep up with what every single character is doing. This is where we can condense all of that information for easy reference.

This is also a great chance to organise plot with other players and characters you might not have interacted with before, if circumstance makes plot possible.

So. Have at it! (And please try to comment within the next day or two, just so this too doesn't get lost in the bowels of the ooc comm.)

May. 3rd, 2010



Hey guys! It's the Sunday Round-Up, only it's not Sunday. Pretend it is, 'kay?

The Sunday Round-Up is a once/month OOC post in which everyone (everyone) posts a comment and just catches us all up on what your character has been up to since the last round-up. In this case, since the start of the game!

A lot has happened, and sometimes (especially with thread posts that can move slowly) it's hard for all the players to keep up with what every single character is doing. This is where we can condense all of that information for easy reference.

This is also a great chance to organise plot with other players and characters you might not have interacted with before, if circumstance makes plot possible.

So. Have at it! (And please try to comment within the next day or two, just so this too doesn't get lost in the bowels of the ooc comm.)