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May. 3rd, 2010



Hey guys! It's the Sunday Round-Up, only it's not Sunday. Pretend it is, 'kay?

The Sunday Round-Up is a once/month OOC post in which everyone (everyone) posts a comment and just catches us all up on what your character has been up to since the last round-up. In this case, since the start of the game!

A lot has happened, and sometimes (especially with thread posts that can move slowly) it's hard for all the players to keep up with what every single character is doing. This is where we can condense all of that information for easy reference.

This is also a great chance to organise plot with other players and characters you might not have interacted with before, if circumstance makes plot possible.

So. Have at it! (And please try to comment within the next day or two, just so this too doesn't get lost in the bowels of the ooc comm.)

Apr. 30th, 2010


So I've been captaining the fail boat it seems! My apologies for that. SERIOUSLY.

So I'm looking to jump back into plot now that I'm no longer on said failboat. I really don't even like boats. So if there is anything I have missed that Perenelle should not have! Please let me know.

Also I'm on the lookout for some plottage.
Is there anything anyone at Hogwarts up to anything they shouldn't be? HMMM
Perenelle would like to meet some of these fellow students that Kastra might be getting chummy with that are such terrible influences
Cassandra! Ladies that lunch? Or something like that!

AND maybe sometime in the not so distant future I'd like to app for another character. Any pressing needs that anyone wants in game?

Apr. 24th, 2010


I am also going to be away this weekend and part of next week! I know I have ongoing threads with Kastra and Cassandra, and unfortunately I won't be able to tag much until I get over this hump of papers and exams. (Gellert's assassination attempt was very well-timed indeed, eh?) If I get any free time I'll try to pop in and tag. I will DEFINITELY still be reading everything you guys post though, because I need some sort of entertainment in my life! :D

Apr. 18th, 2010


Bad mods; no biscuits.

Belatedly, the friend button update post to welcome Rachel's second character, everyone's favourite journalist, Rita Skeeter!

Apr. 17th, 2010


See this? This is what happens when I'm given $50 at Bestbuy, a full six hours alone in my house and pie (apple, mmmm).

I blame all of you.

No, seriously. And if you're character isn't in there I promise to add them in when I make the next one. Because this was a first try.... and it shows.

Apr. 14th, 2010


The ball tonight!

For everyone whose character is going to the NAA ball tonight -

I will put up a post in the main comm where you can have small/random interactions, greetings, etc. You are welcome to have full-length threads there as well, or to post your threads/logs in separate entries. The main post will indicate the start of the ball.

Again, it is being held in the Museum of Magical History at Berlin for its grand opening. The exhibits will all be there (ancient/famous wands, old Invisibility Cloaks, goblin weapons, preserved important documents and peace treaties from throughout the ages, etc.) and for decoration there will simply be a few red NAA flags hanging on the walls. Fairies provide the lighting, and servers will walk amongst the guests with trays of tapas, wine, beer (it's Germany!), and champagne.

If you've got any questions before tonight (or during the night), ask them here and HAVE FUN!

Apr. 13th, 2010



Apr. 10th, 2010


Hey guys! Jenna here, with my second character - Ariana Dumbledore (II), Aberforth's granddaughter. She is a lot nicer than Kastra - no way near as underhanded, sneaky or prone to lying.

Ariana loves her grandfather and is currently on the move with him, helping out with the Resistance whenever she can. She's not the type to fling herself into battle, as she tends to be of a gentle nature, but she is skilled at healing and potions and uses those abilities to assist in any way possible. She's kind and compassionate, and she believes in the inherent goodness of all people. She is smart enough not to throw herself into the arms of an enemy, but she retains a degree of naivety by choice, remaining as optimistic as possible about all potentially bad situations. She also loves all things Muggle (especially literature) and can't imagine why anyone would ever want to enslave or murder such interesting people. The rest of her info can be found here.

I'm always up for plotting so feel free to send me an email or catch me on aim :)


More new characters! We're welcoming Kimberly with Narcissa Malfoy, and Jenna with her second character, Ariana Dumbledore (II)!

Apr. 9th, 2010


Hello hello! I am beyond excited to be in this game. FOR SERIOUS. Everything about it looks fantastical and to hopefully help in the fantasticalness (or something) I bring you Perenelle Flamel. OH and by the way I'm Stacey. Minor detail.

Anyway here is the gist of Perenelle. She's old. Old as shit to be exact. But really it's quite rude to point such things out. She's a bit of a stickler for manners so if anyone wishes to remain her good graces, niceties are the way to go. Anyway, more importantly, Perenelle has been involved in research for the vast majority of her life. She and her husband, Nicolas, made major advancements in the field of Alchemy and are the forerunners of the whole Elixir of Life mess. You can all thank her for helping Gellert and Albus keep their youthful appearances. She too looks a touch younger than her 600+ years. All that said, she's a bit of a mother hen. She lost her only child many many many years ago but still holds that loss very close to her heart. That is only part of the reason she finally took up teaching (starting at Durmstrang), she's recently transferred to Hogwarts and will be your resident History of Magic teacher. Since ya know she's lived it. Perenelle is also most definitely a NAA supporter. She is of the end justify the means mindset and very hard to persuade otherwise from that.

I have some ideas for connections to peeps in game. I will probably try and send out emails soon since my internet currently BLOWS CHUNKS and I don't often have a connection for long enough to make AIM possible. Sometimes I get lucky though! If I do, I can be found at ScarlettUW. I am down for all sorts of plot. Bring it!


HIII lovelies!



I thought long and hard about this and decided, what the heck, I'll try Andromeda out. She's definitely part of the Resistance/Anti-NAA, but obviously for different reasons then her sister. She's basically the same Andromeda everyone knows (and hopefully loves) with the lovely husband and the quirky daughter.

If you would like to set up a plot or something, just leave me something here or IM me on AIM: ifuseekwndrland !!


Please welcome the lovely Stacey with Perenelle Flamel, and Angelica with her second character, Andromeda Tonks! :)

Make sure you run the friend button to add everyone to your flist.


novusmunus, [info]youareamazing!


Apr. 7th, 2010



Hey! So early next week, there will be a ball held by the NAA in Berlin. It will be very formal, several upper-level personnel will be present, as will Albus and Gellert (for at least part of it, anyway).

If you think your character ought to be attending, let us know so that we can ensure they receive an invitation. :P

Apr. 6th, 2010


Friend button, the reprise

Adding to the refrain:
Cate's second character, Aberforth Dumbledore and Joan's second character, Frank Longbottom!

You know the drill- type in your username and make with the clicking!


i am an idiot <3

veetee here <3

Okay, so I failed to notice that I forgot to introduce Cassandra when she was accepted.


This is Cassandra Vablatsky. She is a very powerful Seer who has been working for the NAA since she was 17; Albus pretty much scouted her out of Hogwarts. Therefore, she's been with them for nearly 70 years now. She's fairly easy going, but is somewhat recluse these days. She's got something of a mothering streak on account of the fact that she was never able to have children of her own, but she also does feel very indebted to Albus and Gellert and is simply accustomed to being around them by this point in her life.

Apr. 5th, 2010


Hello again! It's Cate, bringing you my second character: Aberforth Dumbledore! Aberforth is the founding member of the Resistance and as such his entire life revolves around it. He's dead set against Albus and Gellert and lives for the day that they're no longer in power. He's been a fugitive for most of his life so he's good with the sneaky thing. He travels a lot to the different sects of his organization to make sure everything is running smoothly so he doesn't have a set home. He just resides at the base of the Resistance in each city he visits. He tends to be a little intimidating, but he is a very kind individual. You just have to get past the rough exterior. ;] Oh, yes, and you have to not be involved in the NAA as well. ;x

My contact info is still the same (AIM: zombing around, E-Mail: -- feel free to hit me up there or here. :D


Hai thar. Joan here with character number 2 (yes, already.... and yes I am already working on a third. Be quiet) to join my Remus. This is Frank Longbottom, future father to Neville. He's in the same house and year as MWPP, and is on the house team as keeper. However he's also socially awkward, incredibly shy, a bit of a genius thanks to memory skills and could be compared to a savant with how he behaves. He's been hopeless in love with Alice Prewett since first year, but has never managed to say more than a sentence before freaking out and uttering nonsense facts.

He's very anti-NAA and fully plans on joing in the resistance the moment he's graduated! As always I'm at the teaddict and!

Apr. 4th, 2010


friending button time!

Hey guys! We have two new characters, so please welcome Kat with Bellatrix Black and Veetee with her second character, Cassandra Vablatsky!

Just type your username in the box and click the button to add (or re-add) all members!

Mar. 31st, 2010


Hey guys!

The FAQ has been updated, and there's some pretty important info/clarification in there. We realised that there was some misunderstanding as to what exactly the relationship was between the wizarding and Muggle worlds under the NAA and we did our best to elaborate--so please pay particular attention to question number 4.

If you have any other questions about that or just in general, feel free to ask them here, in the FAQ post, or in the confidential dropbox. :)

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