April 6th, 2010

[info]_foreseen in [info]novusmundusooc

i am an idiot <3

veetee here <3

Okay, so I failed to notice that I forgot to introduce Cassandra when she was accepted.


This is Cassandra Vablatsky. She is a very powerful Seer who has been working for the NAA since she was 17; Albus pretty much scouted her out of Hogwarts. Therefore, she's been with them for nearly 70 years now. She's fairly easy going, but is somewhat recluse these days. She's got something of a mothering streak on account of the fact that she was never able to have children of her own, but she also does feel very indebted to Albus and Gellert and is simply accustomed to being around them by this point in her life.

[info]novusmundusmods in [info]novusmundusooc

Friend button, the reprise

Adding to the refrain:
Cate's second character, Aberforth Dumbledore and Joan's second character, Frank Longbottom!

You know the drill- type in your username and make with the clicking!