March 30th, 2010

[info]pixie_devil in [info]novusmundusooc


Hello, hello, I'm a bit late to this!

My name is Angelica and I play the lovely Alice Prewett! I was brought about to this place by Victoria, my dear friend and I am VERY NERVOUS YET REALLY PUMPED TO DO THIS. If you want to know anything about the wonder that is Alice, just hit up her biography in her journal. She's a delight, trust me. Well, unless you get on her bad side. It'll take a while for her to get used to you again.

Anyway, I am 18 going on 19 in June, about to go into studying to be an RN at Daytona State and I'm a very friendly person. A bit shy at times, so you'll have to strike up any sort of conversation with me!

Just hit me up here or at 'ifuseekwndrland' on AIM if any of you would like to plot with Alice or have any ideas! I'd love to hear them <3

[info]novusmundusmods in [info]novusmundusooc


The game is officially opening TONIGHT! I know, I can practically taste your excitement through my computer screen.

So, a few things before we get underway - if you haven't posted in the OOC comm, now is a grand time to do it (or you can just interact with people in their own posts or in the comments here, whatever suits your fancy. Also run the Friending Button to make sure that you've got everyone's journals added to your flist and check back over the Rules. We have a Contact Page all set up so that you can get in touch with other players for plotting.

A quick reminder that when your characters post journal entries, it should be in their actual IJ. Threads go in the main comm, using the header given in the Rules, as do Owls to other players. Feel free to hex things private or private to specific characters as well.

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, or concerns we have a Dropbox, where all the comments are screened and viewable by the mods only. Anything you say in the dropbox will be kept totally confidential.

One Last Thing--

If you could comment on this post with whether your character is currently in support of the NAA, involved with or planning to be involved with the Resistance, or Undecided / Unaffiliated, that would be great! Eventually we want to organise all of the characters in the "Available / Taken Characters" page according to their stance as well as their student/adult status, and this is a lot simpler than going through everyone's individual journals.

That said--GO! Frolic! Play! Have fun! :D

[info]byheavensevans in [info]novusmundusooc

Allo, chickadees. I finally got around to posting Lily's info in her journal and thought I'd give a heads-up in case anyone wanted to look at it and clear anything up. Right now it is in un-pretty format because I am super tired and honestly just want to go to sleep. Someday I'll make it nice. That's all.
