March 31st, 2011

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsooc

Hallo lovelies. I swear it'll be longer before you have to hear from me again, but as of now, I bring you character #3, Detective Jonathan Martin Jr.

He is 35, a homicide detective at BPD, and a natural. He completely means well in life and is trying to continue the past Chief of Police's legacy (who was his father, naturally), but he's hit a lot of speedbumps along the way. He is a playful guy though he's completely devoted to his work, can get aggressive, and hold grudges until the end of the earth. He has a son who means the world to him, but his ex won custody and high-tailed it out of Boston after the divorce. John's still fighting tooth and nail for visitation rights and won't give up, ever. Yet he has a bit of a drinking problem and is pretty suspicious about powers and is anti.

As always, plotting is bliss. But watch out, young pups. My AIM is SkyV00 and my email is

[info]onebigstar in [info]notionsooc

Allo lovelies~ Kayley here with my third temporary character!

Her name is Caterina Hensley, people call her Cat for short. Or the evil hell cat that a lot of people could possibly use if they don't like her. And I know a lot of you antis' out there will! She is one of Boston's famous singers and she is Boston bound, so anyone who is of her age (25 years old) might have known her through high school or college before her career bloomed. Her power is mass manipulation (dominant) and she does use it at some of her concerts as well as the rally that is going on. This girl is one open outspoken pistol. Hence why she is the spokesperson for PEM. Pro-evos' alike and even nats who are pro-evo probably know her every word about love, happiness, and equality that she spreads through her speeches and lyrics.

And though she is a sweetheart and speaks about non-violence between the pro and anti evos, she has a little problem with keeping herself in control of causing her own physical violence. It only really happens when people think it's funny to make fun of her, her fans, or those who are evo.

She will be a victim at some point in time

Want to know more about her? Read more here and enjoy!

Soooo~ LET'S PLOT!

July 2011

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