March 27th, 2011

[info]cantbringmedown in [info]notionsooc

Hey everyone!

Emily here with the last intro she'll do for a while (except desperately-needed NPC she's working on). I've already played with him a bit in the comm already, but his bio's finally done, so I'm throwing up an OOC post.

Meet Lukas Fox 2.0! He's 24, a 2nd year law student at Harvard, and he's Lily's son. His dad is a politician, so he's always had just a bit of a presence in the public eye. This version of Luke is pretty similar to the old one - easy to get along with (for the most part), commitment issues, show-offy - but the biggest difference is his power. (Oh BTW he's still bi and he's pretty much okay with it, but he still kind of makes an effort to keep it on the DL because of that whole public perception thing.) He's got dominant areokinesis, so he can totally fly (if there's enough wind). He's a complete show-off where his power is concerned and loves to preform for people, both through dancing (he's been taking ballet and other forms of dance since he was seven) and "sky dancing" which is... pretty much what it sounds like. He'll be preforming at the PEM rally, so if you want your characters to have seen him there, go for it!

He's already got connections to Mal and Wolf (his childhood friends) and Lily (obviously), but he totally needs more friends! And exes. And enemies. And everything else! (Oh, and there are two premades up on the list for him. His dad and a journalist trying to make his life hell. Check it out!)

Okay.... GO!

July 2011

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