March 16th, 2011

[info]veganelle in [info]notionsooc

Hi everyone! New player, and new character here. I'm Dany, and this is Noelle Hawthorne, who's been working with BPD for 12 years, as a regular officer for 9 of those. 3 years ago, her husband of 7 years (also an officer with BPD) was shot while on duty. After taking some time off she returned and requested to be a K-9 handler. She's excellent at this because she has the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. Her current K-9 is a black female German Shepherd called Trixie, who is with her at all times when she's on duty. Noelle is also a vegan because of her power, can be a bit of a workaholic, sarcastic sometimes but still friendly and outgoing. She does keep up a wall sometimes to keep people out because she's scared of losing anyone else - her sister died the year before her husband. Anyway, I'm terrible at introductions, but the rest of her information is here, if you'd like to take a look! All plot is welcome, and I'm looking forward to playing with all of you. :)

My AIM is truebornstark, but I always forget to sign in, or forget that I'm signed in. And my e-mail is which is the best bet for getting in contact with me, since I get the alerts on my phone for that.

[info]halfbred in [info]notionsooc

New char!

Hey guys!

So I've already posted with Rosa a few times, but I figured that it might be worth it to make an OOC post for her as well. This is Rosa Keating: empath, telekinetic, and BEA agent extraordinaire. She's had a hard life. She was born into a cult of evos that was trying to create an evo master race, which is how she ended up with two recessive powers, telekinesis and empathy. the empathy, which is hard to control because it's recessive and means that she has a lot of trouble keeping other people's emotions from affecting her own. Anyway, the cult was broken up by the Bureau of Evolutionary Affairs when Rosa was ten and she was basically adopted by the government and raised to be an agent. She didn't actually register her empathy until she was 18, and as you can imagine the media firestorm was rather huge. She's something of a celebrity now, although totally not by choice, so it's likely that most characters would at least know her name. (Like, you know how everyone in Harry Potter knows Harry's name because omg he survived? It's like that, except omg two powers.) Oh and have I mentioned that she's a giant bitch? Very professional at work, but also incredibly manipulative.

Anyway, she just got into Boston so she needs connections. She'll be working closely with people at the BEA especially, and she'll probably want to do interviews with the evos there. Otherwise, feel free to have people just randomly gawk at her and be all "OMG TWO POWERS." She will not like it, though. Not one bit.

[info]remainunseen in [info]notionsooc

I'm kind of awake, so if nothing makes sense you can always go here to learn more about her.

This is Frankie, 16 years old, and used to live with a traveling carnival! The city life is pretty new to her so she is all innocent and vulnerable. She knows how to take care of herself to an extent, thanks to her awesome caretaker that she ran away with. Yes, she ran away from the carnie life. The reason why she ran away was because they family started to change and used her power to steal things for them, like money, food, clothing, all the things you would need to survive. It is kind of in her to steal because she started it at a young age.

Oh, yes, she is a dom with the power of invisibility. And she thinks it is pretty awesome.

She is immature for her age. So I wouldn't be surprised if people are put off by the way she acts around others' xD But she is the sweetest thing in the world! She'll make everyone smile by just smiling herself! It doesn't take a lot for her to get upset, but she hides it pretty well until she is in the comfort of her own room. And she likes stealing collecting shiny things.



July 2011

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