March 8th, 2011

[info]notionsmod in [info]notionsooc

Character connections!

Hello everyone!

So we were thinking that, since most of us didn't get the typical, character-by-character OOC post that is so useful in forming connections, we'd throw up a game-wide plotting post. We already tried one of these a few weeks ago, but now that our characters are a bit more established, it might be worth it to do one again. So! Please comment on this post and give us a little detail on what kind of lines you'd like your character to have (and maybe give us a little refresher on where they are in the plot). An example would be:

Glory Powers
She's a newly transferred detective at the BPD, and she could really use some friends!

And then hopefully someone would comment and say "hey! My character X works there too and could totally be friends with her!" So it's basically like a little mini OOC intro post :) To make things a little less confusing this time around, please make a different comment for every character you've got in play and want lines for, so things don't get quite so cluttered and confusing. And remember, if none of the lines that you really, really want (and think could tie into the Big Plot somehow) get filled, there's always the premade list!

ALSO! We realize that a lot of people jumped into playing already and most of us (mods included) are still working on the actual character apps. If you could please toss a comment on the app page when your apps are done (both to let us know that you're done and so we have a nice little record of it) that would be excellent! We're hoping to officially open as a game in a few weeks, and it would be nice to have all the character apps completed before we open.

Happy plotting!

~ Emily and Lizi

July 2011

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