August 18th, 2012

[info]errantvalor in [info]notherville

outside as the storm picks up )

[info]dontmakeangry in [info]notherville

THE STORM (This shit is The Most Purple, I REGRET NOTHING)

The clouds will roll in several hours after the fight with the Hulk, long after the damage from that has repaired itself. The air takes on an eerie yellow tinge as the clouds blot out the sun and there is a tense, anticipatory silence, a stillness that hangs in the air, waiting to be broken. The sky seems claustrophobicly close and terribly huge, all at once.

When the winds come, they come in over the lake, churning up the normally placid water into choppy, white-capped waves that grow and grow as the winds do. As night falls the waves are breaking five and six feet tall and the beach is lost beneath them. The pier is nearly submerged and the rowboats tied to it toss and turn violently, threatening to break free at any moment.

The rain starts just as night closes in, falling from the sky in torrent that will soak anyone unlucky enough to be caught out in it soaked to the bone within minutes. Even the cover of the forest does little to shield anyone who might be out in it. Out in the open the rain is driven so hard by the winds that it stings the skin and rattles the windows with such force that they seem likely to break at any minute.

And then the power goes out.

Once the storm clears it will leave behind a thick and ominous fog. There are strange shapes in the fog, barely visible and heard only as soft, indistinguishable sounds.