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Dec. 25th, 2012


For the past week, anyone venturing near the kitchens in the middle of the night has seen a hellish glow and a red figure dancing in front of it as The Pyro did all his Christmas baking. There's an assortment of cookies in a bag looped over the handle of each door at the inn and more cakes and pies than anyone needs down in the kitchen/dining area.

Iggy is giving out dime bags because that's basically no effort and he couldn't come up with anything better

Tony Stark finally made Torunn a goldfish sword.

The guys in Errant Valor put together that it was the Emperor's Birthday, gave each other booze and black eyes, gave some booze but NOT some black eyes to Johanna as well, and are probably hanging around singing Duyver carols really loudly and off-key somewhere

Hung over each door handle next to the Pyro's bag of baked goods is a gift bag which contains a small wrapped copy of the Little Red Book, inscribed on the inside front cover with neat Spenserian penmenship: "Psmith in his Wisdom and Generosity of Spirit provides this for the library of _____________ ." Recipients' names are not filled in, because this is Socialism, and everyone has to put in a little bit of work.

Sharpe got each of his friends an orange and a peppermint stick and something small like a deck of cards.

Anybody who doesn't live at the Inn is welcome to come back to visit and have some of this cake and pie because wow Pyro wow

Oct. 23rd, 2012


[info]littlebb & [info]mindfulofghosts are two OCs from a supernatural (not the tv show) themed game. Vampires, witches, ghosts, werewooooolves.

Neev, SC, Owl, y'all should make some OCs to play with Beebee & Tim.

Sep. 11th, 2012


I changed shit. dwi.

The mod password has been mentioned in irc, if you require it, tell me.

I also removed the characters of people who expressed not playing anymore. If I made a mistake, don't take it personal, just let me know.

I kept characters that aren't currently being played but that Belong To People Still In The Game because we're fickle creatures.

If you have a better idea for a header pic for the comms, let me know, idk I LIKE THIS ONE.


Sep. 8th, 2012


I'm going on a hiatus. I don't know for how long. I might not be in the blast chat but if i'm on AIM feel free to IM me.

*actually may not be for a while so feel free to take over character roles or something idk.


jessi here

I changed the character list because we're adding and subtracting people so much, I thought a simpler one would be cool.

To edit this one, find your name...

your name![/a][/div] <- The first div
add character here! between this and
this! beginning of new div ->[div style

Or you can just comment on the page and someone else will add it for you. I'm pretty sure I'm missing the characters we added in the last like... week or so. Comment here or there and someone'll set it up. Just need Proper name, journal link, fandom, PB name.


Sep. 6th, 2012


Loki's been feeling pretty caged lately so now that the fog is gone he's taking off for a while.

The only thing he's done to make anyone aware is to leave a small box for Parker; inside is a small glass heart on a string. It is warm to the touch. The note reads so you know we are safe.

Sep. 5th, 2012


friendly ooc reminder

jsyk there's crazy fucking lightning going on outside the inn, IT POSSIBLY TOOK OUT A TREE NEAR THE FIELD TOO

Aug. 30th, 2012


okay so i had this idea that maybe after this fog vamp whatever stuff ends... suddenly people start to notice the village becoming bigger and bigger and BIGGER and then one day its like "why is there skyscrapers in the distance and what is going on

and then its more like a city, a big npc city? so maybe people can expand things like where they wanna stay if they hate the inn or maybe more resources for others and ect. ect.


EDIT: Okay so sunday the fog will start creeping back from the inn to the village and then suddenly reveal a city, not like a HUGE one, more like... idk i'm thinking something just the size of midtown manhattan? big but not so big that it takes forever to get around. UNLESS WE WANT BIG idk idc. i can redraw the map too to show the peninsula expanding. the main village will still be there and then the mains street will lead into the city.

Aug. 29th, 2012








okay i work till eight and then i have supplies for an all nighter: a monster drink and ~snax~ so im gonna need some new threads and also lemme know if i need to tag in older threads.

i'd like to have quentin or zapdos try to bite someone?
teddy lupin needs to chat with some folks?
steve rogersssss- actually he is going to keep talking to loki awkwardly and maybe he can talk to phil or natasha or someone idk
rapunzel- whatever whatever

anyway there is always more id just like to thread if u pls. im trying not to be a sad person today and tonight so writing might be a grand distraction

Aug. 24th, 2012


Oh, you have got to be kidding me. First the boat and now this?

This pulp sci-fi alternate universe stuff is getting really old.

Aug. 23rd, 2012



Is your character not in a room?
Do you want them to have one?


Aug. 18th, 2012


THE STORM (This shit is The Most Purple, I REGRET NOTHING)

The clouds will roll in several hours after the fight with the Hulk, long after the damage from that has repaired itself. The air takes on an eerie yellow tinge as the clouds blot out the sun and there is a tense, anticipatory silence, a stillness that hangs in the air, waiting to be broken. The sky seems claustrophobicly close and terribly huge, all at once.

When the winds come, they come in over the lake, churning up the normally placid water into choppy, white-capped waves that grow and grow as the winds do. As night falls the waves are breaking five and six feet tall and the beach is lost beneath them. The pier is nearly submerged and the rowboats tied to it toss and turn violently, threatening to break free at any moment.

The rain starts just as night closes in, falling from the sky in torrent that will soak anyone unlucky enough to be caught out in it soaked to the bone within minutes. Even the cover of the forest does little to shield anyone who might be out in it. Out in the open the rain is driven so hard by the winds that it stings the skin and rattles the windows with such force that they seem likely to break at any minute.

And then the power goes out.

Once the storm clears it will leave behind a thick and ominous fog. There are strange shapes in the fog, barely visible and heard only as soft, indistinguishable sounds.


outside as the storm picks up )

Aug. 17th, 2012


i remembered suddenly that i had written out a big long introduction to these guys and the planet they are from and shit and i put a link in their profile and shit but i'm posting a link here too here it is this is some words i wrote once


Okay so there was this idea by owl and neev to do a Storm, then a Mist, then VAMPIRE BATS?

So everyone is on the same page:

1. The storm will be severe. Loud, heavy rain, lots of thunder and way scary. Thor won't be able to stop it, nor would anyone else that has weather power.

2. It'll pass after a day? (longer? should it be longer??) and leave a spooky, thick mist that will make leaving the inn impossible but people can try and get stuck in it!

3. The mist will linger and people that are stuck in it will prolly need to be rescued. At this point thor, and other weather folks, may not be able to alter this mist either but when it clears... VAMPIRE BATS WERE IN THE MIST and whoever got bitten transforms into a vampire.

4. of course that is temporary but it can create a brief OH NO VAMPIRES thing for people until that passes.

the questions are: if we start the storm today should we declare it over by saturday mid morning? and how long will the mist linger and how long do we do vampire bats?



So I realized basically instantly that there was really no reason to keep myself locked into ferrous alloys so what we've got here is a titanium-heavy chromium Inconel type - custom thing I whipped up just for you - with some internal structure with a little actual steel in there just to help with the balance. It's probably still gonna be a little bit lighter than you're used to but I factored that into the calculations for the handling and it should pick up momentum just fine. You're basically never gonna need to sharpen this thing, you could take it outside right now and cut a bus in half if you wanted, if you DO manage to fuck it up somehow, like you get in a fight with Thor or something, I did not forcetest it versus Meowmeow and this stuff workhardens like crazy so just bring it back to me if you do something stupid, okay?

Oh, and if you hold down these two toggles at the same time and work this pressure trigger in the grip it emits plasma bursts out of here. Be careful with that.

Aug. 13th, 2012


hi! a bunch of you already know me, but for those of you that don't i'm corey. scout and owl finally convinced me to try playing around on IJ, so here I am. feel free to let me know if i do something stupid (i'm still really new to this oh god HOW DOES THIS WORK)

oh i'm playing jamie lannister, too, but i'm sure you noticed that already. just wanted to post and say what's up for all the people that i haven't met yet. if you wanna write or something hit me up!

Aug. 9th, 2012


Internet got shut off. Obviously I can still access the internet because I have my phone, but Jen will be back tomorrow.

Aug. 8th, 2012


hey guys sorry ive been quiet, ill be on the next two days to catch up. assume that thor is doing housecalls to whoever needs dr. blake... annd quentin is working on undoing dorothy's magic while rapunzel may or may not be successful using her hair to heal some people?

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