June 5th, 2015



Who: John Wick [info]johnwick & OTA
What: Walking through town.
When: Friday, June 5, midday
Where: Downtown Test City
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: He's a professional killer with some anger issues. He's -generally speaking- polite.
Status: Open/In Progress

People are ignorant of the monsters who walk among them. )



Who: Queen Elsa and Princess Anna
When: June 2, 2015 around 7PM
Where: Elsa's Apartment
What: Sister time!
Rating: Should be tame
Warnings: Possible language, scolding on Elsa's part, but otherwise should be fluffy.
Status: Closed/In Progress

no, it's not cold )



Who: Jack Shephard & Bobbi Morse
When: Thursday, June 4 Morning
Where: Lovelace Regional Hospital
What: Bobbi's released from the hospital.
Rating: TBD
Warnings: Language probable, medical stuff, but otherwise TBD. Will update as needed.
Status: Closed/In Progress

i heard you might want to get out of here soon )